Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Listhaug: – Retrenchments important for successful integration –

- Many of those who have carried out terrorist acts in Europe was born and raised in France and Belgium. It shows how important it is that we succeed with integration, and it has left the context of how many people come to Norway. Therefore, it is important to maintain a tight immigration policy, believes Listhaug.

She adds shortly present its proposal for austerity measures to Parliament.

– Not like Sweden

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Brussels, there has been debate about the so-called parallel societies and neighborhoods where the police dare not patrol.

Progress immigration policy spokesman mazyar keshvari claims to the class struggle on Wednesday that there is a parallel society in Norway. He points Groruddalen and Søndre Nordstrand in Oslo.

– It’s not like there is no problem in Norway. It is quite clear that we have it, it’s just to look at social statistics, said Listhaug said.

– We have foreign fighters who have traveled from Norway, and radical movements. We will not hide the secret that all is not well here. But fortunately we are far from the conditions we see in some other countries, such as Sweden, she continues.

An important reason why we have not got the same ghetto problems which among other things can see in Sweden, is that refugees and asylum seekers who are granted residence in Norway are unable to decide where to stay.


Listhaug says terrorist attack in Brussels creates fears and concerns that attacks can happen here too . She pulls simultaneously emerged that it was the Islamists who were behind when terror struck Norway in 2011.

– This shows that we can not see us blind that Islamists conducting terror. But PST threat assessment for 2016 is that extreme Islamists pose the greatest threat of terrorism, it is something we have to deal with.

From their own suggestions she pulls expanded rights to acquire and store biometric data , such as fingerprints. It is important to have control over who is in Norway, says Listhaug. By the way, she shows that there is PST’s task to determine whether an applicant poses a security threat.

– Must require

List Haugs proposed asylum austerity was circulated for comment by the New Year. Many of them have been criticized for preventing – not promote – integration. Critics refers both to specific proposals, as stricter requirements for family reunification, but also that the sum of austerity and high requirements will make it difficult for refugees to gain a foothold and feel part of the community.

The minister disagrees with that analysis.

– I am keen that we should set standards for those who come to Norway. For example, it is important that those who will bring family members here, can provide for them, it is an important principle, she said.

She will not ease the veil on the measures to come into the integration message which is notified in May. But Listhaug repeats his main message:

– It requires a special effort. It’s not like we can only facilitate, so arrange everything themselves, or that there is no “quick fix,” she says.



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