Thursday, March 24, 2016

Suddenly jumps at from 2 to 3 –

When the clock is set to come on Saturday night (Easter Sunday), is the practical implication that the Easter holiday is one hour shorter.

Adjust vests think media media are more concerned about it than most people.

– It is not many inquiries from the public about summer and winter, it is mostly the media is calling me, says Harald Hauglin, responsible for time and frequency in Metrology said.

– call me time boss, he adds.

the time 2:00 Saturday night should watch set forward one hour, making it 03:00.

It may be someone sitting at a tavern and suddenly discovers that it is finally in the evening.

Maybe someone a little more tired Sunday morning than usual. But metrology does not feel that switching to daylight saving time is a big theme for the general population.

No good reason

In Norway, the Ministry of Health who administer summer time through “Regulations on daylight saving time”, although it has no proven benefits to health to turn the clock forward or back. Once argued one that it was for daylight better thereby saving power. But why Norway has daylight now, is simply that it is convenient, because the EU has it.

Many now have digital clocks, phones, tablets and PCs where time is automatically set forward or backward shift between winter – and daylight. Perhaps adding noticed that time deviate from it on the stove, at the car or the analog clock on the wall. If you are unsure of what time it really is, proposes Hauglie- to check the websites of Metrology.

Second Argument

While this session does not create much controversy, it is all the more discussion about shot second. Twice a year, announces the International Earth Rotation Agency (IERS) whether to get shot second night until 1 July.

The time is then held a second or pushed forward, which for example can create much trouble for computer systems around. The reason for regulation is that the Earth rotates irregularly, which seems using measuring systems with very accurate time.

– We had shot second last year, but shall not have in years. There are roughly every three years, said Hauglin.

Shot Second ensures that clock time UTC is in line with the Earth’s rotation, so that the sun always in the south at the prime meridian in Greenwich at 12:00:00 UTC.

It may seem a lot of trouble for a little second, but over time it can become an anomaly. In 2010, for example, have been two minutes, without any adjustment.

The question of abolishing shot second has been investigated in a number of international bodies since 2000, but has proved so inflamed that a decision has been postponed several times. Britons, for example, strongly opposed solt back in the future will differ from the prime meridian in Greenwich.



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