Friday, March 18, 2016

- Breivik will sit in jail the rest of your life –

SKI / OSLO (Dagbladet): Counsel Øystein Storrvik is now working on its procedure on behalf of Anders Behring Breivik in Oslo District Court.

It is the last day of the case Breivik had filed against state violations of human rights.

Storrvik virtually begins with the assertion that his client is going to sit in prison as long as he lives. He believes Breivik will never be released.

– The foundation of our cause is that he is sitting lifetime. The punishment will last a lifetime, because the government will never go in for another, says Storrvik.

Storrvik says this trial is Breivik opportunity to get trial prison conditions he possibly want in a long, long time. Storrvik believes there are no specific plans for improvement or development of Breivik’s atonement and that trying these conditions after five to prison is enough.

22 to 23 hours in the cell

The outer facilities have minimal to say, think Storrvik. He thinks the extent Breivik has contact with other people is far more important.

– This is a situation that the court has gained good insight into in connection with the site visits. It is an existence with very little contact with other people. The court has got to know of this, he says.

The court has been closed inspection at both Ila and Skien prison during the trial.

Storrvik believes it is Significantly Breivik has three rooms and not only one.

– But the degree of human contact are exactly the same, he said.

It is determined through trial Breivik is on the cells 22 to 23 hours a day.

– He’s never been in contact with other inmates, and it is absolutely exceptions. In addition, there has been relatively limited contact with the staff, he said.

– Not about credibility

Storrvik believes Convention violation must be assessed on the basis of all elements of the case.

– All items is almost undisputed between the parties. One part there has been discussion about is Breivik’s self-reporting of experiences, through jorunaler: if one has reached the level that these strict prison conditions might have turned out. Breivik have reported carefully and correctly about his situation after he was arrested. The case considered by extensive investigations to be solved. He has all the way in that respect described which have been verifiable.

Storrvik believes the case is not about Breivik’s credibility.

– It’s about his description of situajonen, such as the number of nude searchings. This appears to be correct.

Storrvik believes that the court must bear in mind that the severity of the Breivik is convicted is not in itself relevant to this case.

– This sets right on a very large sample, he said.

he believes the court must consider jurisprudence and forget the backdrop to the case and the feelings it arouses.

– the everyone hates the court as their last chance. It’s only right that can see through the popular, says Storrvik.


To put Breivik treatment in perspective shows Storrvik to several cases from the European Court of Human Rights in which the plaintiff also invoked being exposed to the ECHR violations. The most prominent of these is the action brought by the international terrorist Carlos the Jackal, better known as the Jackal. Venezuela guy serving a life sentence in France.

Storrvik admits that Jackal put in isolation longer than Breivik, but points out that he also had 1500 attorney visits during the period. He was also eventually married his one lawyer.

Storrvik also points out that the insulation Jackal was subject, was not related to the severity of the crimes. He believes the state has made Breivik insulation worse because he killed so many.

Storrvik also mentions a Danish case where the detainee was isolated under what he perceives as a similar regime, but in a much shorter time , 11.5 months. The Dane has yet been proven insulation damage.

Storrvik notes that Dane “showed mental vulnerability early.” The witnesses who have had regular contact with Breivik in prison, says that he seemed strong mentally as he entered.

Dagbladet following the procedures through day, and they can be followed in the video at the top of the case.


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