Thursday, March 17, 2016

A majority do not believe in God –

For the first time more people are saying they do not believe in God than there are people who say they believe in God. In addition, a large group of doubters.

The figures come from the Norwegian Monitor survey of values ​​and attitudes, writes Our Country. To the question “do you believe in God?” Replied 39 percent no, while 37 percent answered yes. 23 percent of the nearly 4,000 who responded to the survey, which was sent out by post, saying they do not know.

Two years ago there were just as many believers as non-believers. When the question was asked for the first time in 1985, said a full 50 percent said they believed in God, while only 20 percent said they did not believe.

Research Director Jan-Paul Brekke Ipsos, which conducted the study, said the survey does not define who God is.

– it can be both the Christian god, an independent god, or of other faiths. But since we have asked the same question for 30 years, we also measure the same vagueness each year, he said. There are some immigrants in the material, but most of them come from western religious traditions.

– We have few Muslims in our material, says Brekke.

In addition, the survey shows that women believe in God to a greater extent than men, and that faith in God is stronger among the elderly than among younger. With 29 percent who believe in God, Oslo is the lowest, while Vest-Agder is highest with its 44 per cent.



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