Monday, June 15, 2015

Leader in Small Units: Should have been two waking night shifts – VG

SANDVIKA (VG) unit managers in Small Entities in Vollen in Asker admits in court that the treatment center should have two violence alarms and that there should have been two waking night shifts.

When environmental therapist Anna Kristin Gillebo Backlund was killed the night of October 28 last year were the mobile violence alarm she could have alerted the police locked the staff room.

 & lt; p & gt; KILLED P & # xc5; JOB: & # xA0; Miilj & # XF8; therapist Anna Kristin Gillebo Backlund was killed p & # xE5; job a 15 & # xE5; s old girl on Tuesday 28 October 2014. & lt; br / & gt; & lt; / p & gt;

KILLED AT WORK: Miiljøterapeuten Anna Kristin Gillebo Backlund was killed at work a 15 year old girl on Tuesday 28 October 2014.

Photo: Personal , NTB scanpix

– We had been offered two alarms violence by the police. It was I who decided we should take only one. Firstly, because if we had only one there would never be any doubt about where it was, because we had only one, explaining unit manager Harald Persson in Asker and Bærum District Court Monday.

30-year-old were alone together with the murder accused 15-year-old when she was overpowered and killed with a knife and a belt.

– It is quite clear as I sit here now is that it was an obvious misjudgment. I had to choose now, we should have had two violence alarms and all should have the body all the time, says Persson.

Comment: Psychiatry tendered

He explains that violence alarm was not worn on the body because they did not want the girl to know that they had the opportunity to notify the police directly.

– It could have easily been hidden, but when it could have passed off as a false alarm. There was also an element explains Persson.

Academic and treatment manager at Small units Day Skådinn has also previously stated VG that Small Entities in consultation with the police decided that violence alarm should be out of sight for the girl.

Police: Recommended two alarms

In court Friday explained Sergeant Trine Svartås in the adolescent population in Asker and Bærum police that this was not the police’s perception .

– It was not at the police advice. When handing out a mobile security alarm then it is clear that one should go with the body, explained Svartås.

The officer was responsible group around 15-year-old in the days before the murder, and was the who ordered one mobile violence alarm Small Units had. Basically, she had recommended that the treatment center should have two alarms.

See also: Murder Trial girl did not sound treatment

Small units were claimed Persson know that the girl had a history of several serious incidents of violence before she came to them. They also knew that she repeated times had expressed that she wanted to kill.

Several of the witnesses who have testified since the trial began last Monday have expressed their belief that two waking night shifts should have looked after 15-year-old.

– I think that we discussed two people on the day and one night watchman awake. I can not remember that we had some discussions about that there would be two night guards, explains Persson.

– Error evaluation to have one night watchman

Psychiatrist Mari Bræin who took over treatment responsibility for the girl after she was transferred from Bjerketun adolescents convalescent to Small Devices has previously explained that she talks with Persson perceived it to be so-called 2-for-1 staffing at the girl.

– A good possible, answer Persson when he is confronted with Bræin diplomas.

He also admits that it was a miscalculation to have only one awake night watchman.

– It is obvious that there should have been two people wake her at night and It is obvious that we should have followed the guidelines, says the unit manager.

Persson describes simultaneously staffing issue as “a struggle for resources.”

– Ultimately it Bufetat who decides that we should have two of the day and one at night. That is what we have been offered. At the time we thought that it was sufficient that we could do a good job, he explains.

Increased security

After an incident shortly before the murder, where 15-year-old threatened and chased environmental therapist with machete, guidelines were the work of the girl audited.

– With my experience of following safety routine, I know that the more extensive they are the harder it is to follow them over time. It was my impression that people did an honorable and good effort to follow them, but they were revealed between. I would have a culture of reporting any deviation, so that they could be simplified over time, says Persson.

In court comes eg that the guidelines for search and internet use were not always followed.

Day Skådinn, manager for all seven processing units that fall under the Small Units explained that according to this safety plan was specified that the wake the night watchman were awaken the dormant if the girl was active at night.

– According to the documentation we had received while our safety plans were followed, I thought that it was safe to have one night watchman, said Skådinn.

Asked by counsel Siv Hallgren managed Skådinn however not to revisit the wording of the safety plan.

As the treatment center Small Devices is under investigation by police Persson and Skådinn not the same obligation to explain themselves as ordinary witnesses. Before they started their explanations clarified prosecutor Erik Forde that they are not obliged to testify about things that they can be punished for.


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