Wednesday, June 24, 2015

22-year-old sentenced to 18 years in prison for the murder of Åge (35) – TV 2

Wednesday handed down Sunnmøre District Court’s judgment for the murder of Åge Stavran in Spjelkavik Alesund.

The main accused, a 22 year old man, was sentenced to 18 years in prison. Man takes time to think over appellate issue.

Overall, three men indicted for the savage murder of 35 year old Åge Stavran October 21 last fall .

In addition to the main defendants were two other men in their twenties were charged with destruction of evidence and criminal damage at the scene.

One of these was sentenced to six years and six months imprisonment, and appealed on site. The others were sentenced to prison for two years and four months. He was not in court Wednesday and will consider the appeal issue later.

BMW quarrel

In his explanation in Sunnmøre District Court told the drapstiltalte 22-year-old that Stavran had promised him a BMW in payment if 22-year-old demanded money for him. Cash collection was something the defendant did often.

– I used to act intimidating towards people who owed money, he explained, and responded to the judge that he used to take them on a drive, and that he also could use violence.

According to the indictment stabbed 22-year-old Stavran in the chest and neck with a letter opener, before he then beat him so hard head with an ax so that he died of crushing injuries.

22-year-old also cut off two of the deceased toes with a bolt cutter. He said in court that he remembers episode vague and that he acknowledges guilt.

Tente on apartment

After the murder got 22-year-old panic and ran from the place. The day after he asked one of the other defendants to go to the apartment to ignite it. Also a third person was with, and they went to buy gasoline and lighter fluid.

The other defendants told the court that he poured out the flammable liquid in the apartment, but when he spilled on stove in the living room went wrong.

– The oven exploded, and I received burns to large areas of the face. I had probably six different drugs in the body, so consistency thinking was not fully in place, he said.

The accused fled, but was arrested on two different addresses shortly thereafter.



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