Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Introduces National absence limit of ten percent –

What do you think about the proposal? Give your opinion in the comments!

Absence limit to be introduced from the academic year 2016/2017, and means that students who have more than ten percent absences in a subject not get half of character or overall achievement in subject.

– The setting requirements for students is to care about the students. It is optional to begin in high school, but when you have chosen to go to high school is not optional if you show up for lessons, says Minister Thorbjorn Røe Isaksen (H).

Until 2009 operated several schools with a local absence limit of 10, 15 or 20 percent, but the local absence limit was repealed by the then Education Minister Kristin Halvorsen (SV).

Absence Limit – There is great reason to believe that the removal of border hangs along with increased absenteeism in several places in the country. I also find that many teachers wanted to reintroduce a lost time limit, because they have seen the consequences, says Røe Isaksen.

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– Good that requirements to us

On Ullern High School in Oslo is a second-gathered for the last matt hour before the summer holidays.

– I think it’s good that restricts how much one can be absent from school without having a good reason for it, says student Kaia Feinberg (18).

She understands that it can be difficult for teachers to rate the Students who do not attend the classes.

– There will be positive showing up at school, and I think it is good that there are requirements to us, she said.

The teens say they not truant itself, and says that there is little truancy at school. When Aftenposten visited matt class, was 23 of 30 students in attendance.

– It’s very unusual. That’s probably because it’s the very last time this year and we really do not have more that we go through, says Astrid Malm (18).

– People are keen to do well, and must be at school to hang out with, says Peder Ditlev-Simonsen (18).

– What impact can the absence limit gain for those who truant?

– I think it can motivate them to meet at the school, since it actually can have major consequences if you do not, says Ditlev-Simonsen.

The majority want an absence limit

Aftenposten has previously written that the absence in the secondary schools in Oslo has increased in recent years. The Minister said at the time that the situation was not sustainable, and initiated efforts to amend the absence rules.

– We have had a number of proposals for comment, and feel that this is an issue very many teachers and principals is engaged in. 70 percent of those surveyed in the public consultation say they want an absence limit, says Røe Isaksen.

During the hearings have three models for an absence limit has been considered. The Directorate, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Education has completed consultation, recommended an experiment with an absence limit of 10-15 percent. Now has thus landed on the strictest option.

The Minister does not fear that stricter standards would make it harder for students struggling to finish school.

– The fact that one has a clear and clear expectations to students, we believe can help bring down the dropout rate. But that does not mean we can stop taking other measures, he said.

Elevorganisationen critical

– The problem is that an absence limit assumes that all students who do not attend school are truants while the reality is that a many reasons why students do not attend school. It may be turbulent conditions at home, mental health problems or bullying. Not all causes of absence is as easy to document, and it is considered therefore not valid absences, says Kristoffer Hansen, incoming Chair of the Student Organisation.

He thinks it’s unfair that the absence will affect grades.

– We totally disagree with the Ministry of Education about the basis for this case. We believe that it is the competence of the student who will form the basis for the grade you get, regardless of how much absence one has, says Hansen.

– Will lead to more drop out

Elevorganisationen fear that stricter absence policy will lead to more drop out.

– If being absent for a period early in the school year, the race is already run. When it does not help if the student makes it great rest of the year, as he or she already has too much absence to character, says Hansen.

Want detention

– A absence limit will discipline students and I’m sure it will lead to absenteeism in schools goes down, says Karl-Eirik Anguish, a lecturer at the University of Oslo High School and author of the book The big school betrayal.

He believes the introduction an absence limit of ten percent will be positive for both teachers and students.

– It is important for student learning that they are attending school, it’s about that there are many important points that emerge in teaching that does not necessarily stand in the textbooks. For teachers, it will be easier to set appropriate ratings on rivers if they are more present, says Anguish.

Anguish has previously advocated a harsher line in Norwegian schools, and consider a absence limit is a step in the right direction.

– You need an absence limit, but you also need to tighten up on what creates absence. I think one should impose detention for students who are late, it is often the pupils are late leading to absence. In addition, one should introduce a scheme which allows parents of students under 18 years notified by sms if their children are absent from school. That way involved also parents in efforts to reduce absenteeism, says Anguish.


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