Thursday, June 4, 2015

Gani (54) must pay at least 116 million to the Norwegian government –

(Dagbladet): Painting Company Malerservice Norway AS lost to tax authorities in the Oslo District Court.

The company is owned by brothers Fatmir Zymberi, Bedri Zymberi and Gani Zumberi. The latter is the company’s CEO and chairman

Thus, Tax Administration claims against Zumberi and firm, totaling 116 million – plus interest, alone.

Action Trusted

It was in 2007 that the tax authorities and the police took action against a number of individuals associated with the Albanian owned templates firm Malerservice AS.

The IRS reported offense and went to a large-scale raid – but the criminal case was quickly dismissed. Dagbladet told this week how cooperation between tax authorities and the police acted very badly in this matter. Several subcontractors Malerservice Norway is subsequently convicted of tax evasion. Tax East continued tax case against Malerservice Norway on their own.

tax authorities believe that Malerservice has driven fictitious invoicing on a large scale, and in a resolution passed by the Tax Office on 14 May 2013 allow Tax Administration finds that Malerservice to pay about 116 million – plus interest – in penalty tax.


Malerservice sued to remove this requirement – but did not agree on a single point. Right decision today means that Zumberi and Malerservice have to pay this sum.

Now is also part of the earlier criminal case taken up again – and it’s brought charges against a number of people in connection with a fence isak against the so-called “Zvonko Network “which is believed to be an organized criminal Kosovar Albanian group.

Zumberi are among the accused in the criminal case.

In a large interview with Dagbladet recently explained Gani Zumberi why he considers himself the victim of a witch hunt. He says he noticed that a number of subcontractors are convicted of tax evasion, but claims he did not know about tax cheating among these.

Under Companies

Oslo District Court has not added Zumberis view of the matter to reason. The court believes nearly 30 subsidiaries have been involved in the fictitious invoicing.

The main issue in this case is whether booked invoices from the 30 subcontractors of the company represent actual services delivered in business – or if invoices are fictitious.

Oslo District Court finds that there is talk of fictitious invoicing.

All requirements

The sum keep from starving the years 2005 to 2010, and was distributed as follows:

– Increasing Templates Services general income totaling approximately 44 million kroner

– Additional Tax and sharpened additional tax related to income increases
– Reversal of deducted input VAT with ca24 million
– Surcharge (VAT )
– Tax Liability by summarily joint settlement with about 52 million
– Increasing the payroll tax basis with barely 104 million (increased
fee approx NOK 14.6 million)
– Surcharge (payroll ).

The judgment reads:


“Income changes are a result of that it is denied a deduction for expensed invoices that are considered fictional, while it is given allowance for discretionary fixed labor costs.

According to the information the decision implies payment obligations for taxes and duties amounting to about 116 million plus interest. “

– We are disappointed with the result, and judgment will be appealed. We believe the court is wrong on several key points, says Zumberis lawyer Johannes Andersen told Dagbladet.

– We find it odd that the court does not reflect that despite eight years of heavy investigation of an enormous document material and a number of witnesses and judgments against other players, not a single concrete evidence for the claim that the company or the owners have participated in a billing network.


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