Friday, June 19, 2015

A German tourist is attacked by musk on Dovre. – Aftenposten

The ambulance, air ambulance and the police come out to Kongsvold mountain lodge where the German tourist was attacked, newspaper Adresseavisen reports. Sør-Trøndelag Police have reported this on Twitter.

The extent of damage is unknown. Musk oxen have left the place.

Was traveling with his wife

– A German male tourist has been attacked by musk at Kongsvold. The man is conscious and paramedics are on their way to the site, said operations Wiktor Pedersen in South Trøndelag Police to local paper UP in New York City.

The German man was traveling with his wife when musk ox attacks.

Heading towards Snøheim

Police Find swathes Moen confirms to Adresseavisen that a patrol is sent from the sheriff’s office in New York City in conjunction with the tourist was attacked by a musk.

– It was a hectic period after we got the message. There have also been some language challenges, but the air ambulance should have located them, he said.

The Tourist, according to the information to the police to be conscious. He gets treatment on site, and should have received injuries in the shoulder region after meeting with musk oxen.

– Tourists will have been on the path towards Snøheim, said swathes Moen to Adresseavisen.

More similar events

– I’m not surprised that this is happening. We have had several similar incidents, says Tord Bretten in the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate to

Friday he had shot Thurs the 2nd musk oxen in the area, and he was in the area to assist the police if they needed help.

Neither Knut Nyhus engaged Kongsvold is surprised.

– This should be unnecessary. It is so well signposted that you should keep your distance, he says to

Safety distance is 200 meters

musk pulls down from the mountains in the spring and is clearly visible from E 6 over Dovre. This attracts many onlookers tourists who want to see the fascinating animal up close.

Norwegian Nature Inspectorate has observed that tourists have come very close beast several times this summer. The Council is to stay at least 200 meters away from the animals, and when you meet it should stop and show that you shy aside and look at the animal’s movements.

The musk ox is coming up in high speed if the attacks and it has been several hearth attack curious tourists.

Published: 19.jun. 2015 2:52 p.m.


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