Monday, March 14, 2016

Thus the Breivik trial –

Trial of Anders Behring Breivik (37) in the Oslo District Court in 2012 is projected to be one of the most comprehensive since the war. Oslo courthouse was built on in order to implement it, and the trial’s total cost is estimated at 170 million.

When Breivik lawsuit against the state starting in Telemark prison in Skien Now on Tuesday, will take place in a gymnasium in prison.

But like in 2012 also has this matter already received international interest. Many foreign media are accredited, including several Swedish, Danish and Polish newspapers and TV channels. The international news agencies AFP, Reuters and Associated Press have secured space in the gym. It also has German Die Welt.

Four days

Breivik explanation, which occurs during the Wednesday, will not be broadcast. The Oslo district court determined. However, it is not been laid down any prohibition of references of what is happening or being said during the trial. It is set three and a quarter hours to 37-year-old legend.

Dagbladet has talked with Anders Behring Breivik’s father Jens Breivik. He did not want to respond to what he thinks about sons lawsuit against the state, but said:

– I will follow the case. That I can say.

It’s set off four days of treatment of the lawsuit. According to prison manager Ole Kristoffer Borhaug at Telemark prison Skien there will be about 60 people inside the courtroom. It includes both professional actors, the press, the security people and the public.


He says that prison has scheduled the trial for a long time.

– I know we are capable of carrying out this matter in a dignified and safe manner, says Borhaug Dagbladet.

He describes the security regime around the trial as an airport. He says there are two checkpoints for ID control before coming into court rooms in the gymnasium.

Proceedings will be directly transferred to Oslo City Court, which is responsible for gjennnomføringen of the case. Also the report that security measures in Skien will be very strict.

– For example, do not bring food, liquids, sharp, sharp objects or tools that could cause serious damage. Also, avoid clothing with metal that hampers person control. Do you need medication, syringes or similar, you must bring a medical certificate for this, writes the District Court in a letter.

– The medical certificate or documentation for implants made of metal and pacemakers must also be included, it is emphasized further.

Breivik passed to and from

It will only be allowed to move in and out of prison with certain restrictions and time limits, and everyone must go through security check every time.

Sten Gest will still security around Breivik be. When he passed back and forth from his cell and gymnasium must all be either inside the building or in the area of ​​live positions.

– In these times will not be able to pass through security, emphasizes the district court.


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