Monday, March 14, 2016

Breivik prepared to be stopped by the referee –

BÆRUM (Dagbladet): The court was today at a closed court hearing in Ila prison where Anders Behring Breivik served until 2013.

– We have looked at the conditions and have demonstrated important things, routines that are important for the trial. The court considered this to be displayed behind closed doors, says Breivik’s counsel, Øystein Storrvik, to Dagbladet.

The parties were inside the prison for nearly three hours before they came out again. Since the hearing was closed to the press, had neither Storrvik or Attorney Marius Emberland so many details to come by on the outside.

– It was a closed hearing I did not have occasion to say something from. But it goes without saying that we have looked at the facilities, procedures and explanation of procedures, says Storrvik, who says this is the crux.

The area that the convicted terrorist disposal, has been under construction, but should have been reconstructed in terms of the inspection, according to NTB.

– Talked a lot

tomorrow starts the civil trial where expeditiously man Anders Behring Breivik is suing the state for human rights violations. Since his arrest on 22 July 2011, Breivik sat isolated. The case goes to a gymnasium built in Skien prison. There is a strict security regime around the issue that will last until Friday. Storrvik told Dagbladet that he and his client Anders Behring Breivik has prepared in the usual way in advance of the matter.

– Preparations have been the most common way of preparation of the case and his explanation, saying Storrvik.

the lawyer will meet his client in a room where they are separated by a glass wall. Wednesday is set aside three hours and 15 minutes on his explanation.

– Is Breivik aware that he may be the gavel down by the judge if he does not adhere to what the case?

– Yes, we have talked a lot about it, that’s clear. I do not want to anticipate his explanation. It is relevant to the case can be covered within those three hours, says Storrvik.

– What is Breivik’s main message?

– I do not wish to encroach. What we focus on is prison conditions, says Storrvik.

– This is an issue which is very important for him, continues the lawyer.

Difference from Skien

Storrvik told NTB that prison conditions in Ila prison is somewhat different conditions in Telemark prison department Skien, where he now serves on the department for especially high security.

– now zones he Skien, and there has been some relief lately that have turned out down there, says Storrvik Dagbladet.

the aim of the current inspection is that the court will see prison conditions with their own eyes and with it form a basis for its assessment of the case.

Attorney Emberland think the inspection was necessary for the court. He believes the conditions are completely consistent with how they see the case – that they do not violate human rights.


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