Saturday, March 12, 2016

New fire in Oslo block –

(Dagbladet): Earlier today it burned in an apartment building on Oslo’s Uranienborg district. Now, just over at 23 tonight, messages appear once block fire in Oslo.

– It came message about a fire in a block in Trondheimsveien. Police and fire brigade is on site and has localized fire to a trash can in the basement of the building, said operations manager Gjermund Stokkli Dagbladet.

He said that there has been a fair amount of smoke, but the fire has not spread to any great extent and that the fire department now has extinguished the fire.

Police suspect that the fire at Oranienburg was affixed. According Stokkli it is too early to say whether it also applies to this fire.

– It is too early to say whether the fire is applied or in connection with the fire at Oranienburg. But we have created matter and will investigate this, he said.

The time was 19.46 when all emergency services who managed to apartment building fire in Oranienburg, west of Oslo.

Many of the residents were told to stay inside the apartment when the smoke began to spread up the floors. Residents upward floors pulled out on their balconies until fire was extinguished and a controlled evacuation could be carried out.

When brannvesnet crawled built found the paper in a sjaktrom in apartment building basement. Police said Dagbladet that they assume this was set alight.


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