Saturday, March 12, 2016

“If one does not work and earn money, one should perhaps rethink … –

(Dagbladet): Parliament Ulf Leirstein (FRP) is pepper among others Sp politician Marit Arnstad and SV leader Audun Lysbakken for a message he posted on Twitter linked to a TV 2 case.

In case meets TV 2:01 family with seven children, a father in teaching job and a mother who is receiving disability pension. TV2 estimates that the family will lose a total of NOK 100 000 a year because of government cuts in child additions for disability benefits.

message to Leirstein reads as follows : “If one can not work and earn money, one should perhaps think about the consequences of getting 7 children? “

” Progress tasteful greeting “

Petty, Mao-like and empathy resolved, the message is called Twitter.

SV leader Audun Lysbakken come out on Twitter and wrote: “Progress tasteful greeting to family getting poorer of FRP in government.”

Sp politician Marit Arnstad writes: “To justify FRP their cut towards disadvantaged groups in society.”

– FRP provides the richest in the country tax party while they obviously takes infinitely easy to make children in families with disabled parents poorer, says Lysbakken Dagbladet, adding:

– This is FRP’s true face: a party for rich people , not for those who have a difficult time in Norway.

– Natural questioning

the protagonist himself, Ulf Leirstein, takes criticism on Twitter and from Lysbakken with great serenity.

– I realize of course it’s fun for the socialists to link this with tax relief, but this family has also gotten. I saw the report and think it was natural to question by so many children. One must think through their own financial situation, says Leirstein, adding:

– In my head there are too many people assume that whatever happens, they shall have the same standard of living. That’s not. One gets worse advice when receiving disability pension. There should be a safety net, but not a safety net that ensures abundance.

Call message tip formulated

That message may seem petty or empatiløs, is also Leirstein disagree, although he admits that it is pointed formulated.

– The message is formulated with a question mark. I just put a question mark by attracting so many children, says FRP politician.

– We must spissformulere, if had not Dagbladet called, he adds.

Dagbladet has tried to reach Marit Arnstad for a comment, but did not succeed.


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