Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lundin’s rig in Ølen –

Westcon Yards has famously been commissioned to prepare the Leiv Eiriksson for the Barents Sea after Lundin signed an agreement with Ocean Rig on using the rig in the Barents Sea.

After drilling rig has passed its latest contract with rig Management Norway, it has descended to Westcon Yards in Ølen for upgrades.

– it is a demanding market and we are very pleased to see this mission. Westcon will prepare the rig for use in the Barents Sea. It means that it should winterized and it will be installed third-party equipment, says Malvin Eide, rig manager at Westcon Yards in a message.

For the moment is Polar Pioneer and Henry Goodridge docked in Ølen . Safe Scandinavia and Borgland Dolphin left the yard this week.

– We have therefore good capacity and chases ever new mission, says Eide.

Borer three wells in the Barents Sea
at work for Lundin from the third quarter, the rig will drill two wells in license 609 and one in 533.

In the former, the rig will complete the appraisal Alta 3, where it also becomes a production test. Leiv Eiriksson also receive an assignment to complete exploration well Neiden.

The well was canceled last year because of the Island Innovator had to give in before the summer window closed, then this is not winterized.

The third well is Filicudi in 533.


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