Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Critical to securing the retirement home in Bergen: – There was even a condom on … –

(Dagbladet): When Ernst A. Skage woken by frantic pensioners knocked on his door this morning was the cup full.

retirement home he lives in has in fact repeatedly experienced that people take into the retirement home in Bergen and feasts in the communal living room.

The night of the day it happened again. Residents were greeted by an unpleasant sight when they woke up this morning.

– Today it was littered with beer cans and cigarette butts there, and there was even a condom on the table, telling the pensioner to BergensAvisen, who first publicized case.

– When they beat on my door and said, ‘Now you must come, Skage, for here is something horrible happened. ” The living room was such a sad sight that people almost wept as they stood in the living room, he says to Dagbladet.

He has lived on seafarers retirement at Nordnes in Bergen for eleven years with his wife Wenche – and is not impressed by the conditions of the residents.

– Sets ugly wounds

– This has not happened so often that it engages in the communal living room, because I hunted out a bunch before. But we have experienced incidents that people have pissed down the stairs. It is not a dignified old age for those who live here, says Skage Dagbladet.

The building contains approximately ninety houses. Most are rented to retired people who worked at sea – as Ernst has done for seventeen years of his life.

Twenty of the apartments allocated however the municipality of Bergen.

– Struggling intoxication

The pensioner says he does not know who broke into the room night until today, but have a suspicion that those living in the communal apartments can be left behind.

– Where they put into alcoholics and drug addicts, which puts an ugly wound at this age home. There are so many strange things that have happened here over the years that one can be afraid of smaller, he says to Dagbladet.

He locks the door at eleven every night – and am sure that the rioters have their own keys to the building. Now you have the foundation that owns the house take action, he said.

– I’ve never heard anything like it in the whole of Norway. Not the managers, not the duty, and if there are some elderly people that need help with something, then it’s me they’re going, he said.

It’s Foundation seafarers retirement who own age home, operated by Vestbo.

Greeted by beer-drinking man

CEO Øystein Johannesen in Vestbo say they have no perception that there are problems with smoking and drinking in public areas. They have received two complaints in recent times, both of which are fixed, he argues against BergensAvisen.

– The same rules there, as elsewhere. One should behave. Do many complaints about a person, it may result in termination, he says to the newspaper.

When BA sent was on the spot one morning last week, they were reportedly met by a beer-drinking man and a whiff of cigarette smoke.

Johannesen, however, the impression that it is worthy living conditions for the elderly.

– We have no indication of anything else, he says to the newspaper.

Dagbladet has been in contact with the press adviser Peder Lofnes Hauge social councils Erlend Horn (V) in the municipality of Bergen, but they had no opportunity to comment on the matter Wednesday night.

According BergensAvisen was a woman in his 30s was found dead in the same house last week, but police have no evidence that any crime is behind.

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