Sunday, August 2, 2015

Siv Jensen opens for new tax cuts – Aftenposten

– The tax level will be down, and the tax system should be turned into a more growth-enhancing direction, says Jensen said.

She suggests that reduced corporation tax will be part of the tax reform that the government is now working on. If so, it goes against the easing of personal taxation as well.

– It is natural to see this in context, but the details we will first make known when we put forward our proposal, says finance minister.

After the election

Jensen said the tax reform comes “close” of the state budget presented on 7 October. Until then she should seek advice.

– It is important for me to hear how key players believe we can best design the tax system to promote growth and restructuring, says Jensen.

Thursday she gathers business leaders, scientists, trade unions and employers’ organizations in Kristiansand City Hall to discuss possible tax changes.

– The Norwegian economy is in a transition after years of strong growth in demand from the petroleum industry. The mainland economy must increasingly help to finance increasing expenditure on pensions, health and care, says Jensen.


Tax Cut is an important contribution to keeping up the pace in the Norwegian economy, argued Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) NTB earlier this summer.

The Prime Minister stated that it is “highly relevant” to reduce the corporate tax, while she maintained that there are new cuts wealth tax.

– If we reduce corporate taxation without making changes to the capital tax, we risk making bigger imbalance. This must be seen in context, said Solberg.

Today, all businesses pay 27 percent of the taxable profits of the corporation. The government-Scheel-committee has recommended the government to lower the rate to 20 percent because the current level is higher than in other countries.

Alerts cuts

– When neighboring countries have lowered corporate tax, is an argument that we should do the same. We’ll see what we get when we put forward proposals for a new tax reform in a report to Parliament in the fall, said Solberg.

Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre believes it is far more reasonable to consider new cuts corporation tax rather than take on the wealth tax. The coalition retained wealth tax, but put yourself down the rate of corporation tax from 28 to 27 percent.

– The wealth tax affects only Norwegian privately owned businesses. A foreigner who invests in Norway, is not affected by wealth, said Prime Minister and reiterated the promise of his campaign to reduce capital tax and make changes before it is removed completely. (© NTB)

Published: 02.aug. 2015 12:58


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