Below the glacier, Hydro dam drained down with 35,000 cubic meters of water per hour to accept the water quantities.
– Hydro reports that the water level in the pond decreases, and the river has not had increasing water levels. The water level is monitored throughout the night, says Sogn og Fjordane police in 23.30 o’clock Friday night.
There is thus still completely uncertain when the flood of Harbardsbreen expected to come, but in all probability it happens during Saturday .
– The tension linked now to the amount of water coming and when it comes. So we really goes on hold. What we are waiting for is whether cap ruptures, said operations manager Bengt Nes NTB earlier in the evening.
The police early Friday afternoon crisis staff in anticipation of meltwater flood.
– It is longer time expecting a so-called jökulhlaup, that large amounts of meltwater from underneath Harbardsbreen were coming but we did not know when. Now, however, started saying duty hydrologist Knut Ola Aamodt in Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) said.
No evacuated
The police have not yet evacuated some residents as a result of possible flooding and landslide, but has sent out notice to those who live in Skjolden and upwards Fortunsdalen that it could happen within the next day.
– We have a plan ready with local people if we must evacuate. 150 residents may be affected and 20 houses are at risk. Fortun valley is quite flat, so if it comes a lot of water down on surfaces, it can be a little critical of some far down, says operations manager Bengt Nes.
The police considers efforts need ongoing basis and have contact with local resources Hydro, NVE and the county emergency manager.
Fears rise
NVE states that hatches is as open as they can get become, and that it runs out as much water as possible.
– We manage to keep it stable now, that is what flows into, also runs out. But we expect that the amount of water that flows into, will increase, and that is what the challenge is beyond the night, said regional director brigt Samdal in NVE NTB Friday night.
According Samdal it is not often such situations occur but he says that they had a similar situation in 2010, which went fine. The crews on the spot will be there throughout the night and follow, he informs us.
On Friday night were sent people into the valley to warn hikers and others who reside in the terrain.
Enormous quantities of water
NVE sent Friday approved two felthydrologer to Fortunsdalen. They could determine that jökulhlaup is underway. Hydrologists observed 1 meter lower water levels and high flow out of the glacier.
The amount of water in question, is estimated at more than six million cubic meters. Five years ago there was a 5.5 million cubic meters from the glacier.
Hydro accommodates about 3.5 million cubic meters in its water reservoir below the ice, but had greater capacity in 2010.
Although the reservoir is drawn down, it may be completely filled and a flood down into the valley is thus inevitable.
– First, it flushed out some boulders, sand and gravel, but it is mainly water that comes afterwards, that’s the problem, says regional manager brigt Samdal in NVE said. (© NTB)

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