Thursday, August 13, 2015

Many were angered by fagmbekymring of Norwegian parents – Aftenposten

– I think the initiative of Trommald is pretty silly, professor at the Institute of Education at the University of Oslo, Stein Erik Ulvund. – It’s a fantastic news that seven out of ten parents think they automatically know what is best for their children – it’s nothing to be worried about!

Ulvund notes that intuitive childcare is a large and important area of ​​research. – That the parents do the right things without having learned it by some, are undervalued according to updated research, he said.

– There are very many ways to raise children in, and miraculously becomes most normal . A long life in art has taught me that it luckily is not only one way to go to get a healthy, mentally.

– Unable to make all child welfare clients

Ulvund mean it is a misguided thinking that there is a kind of blueprint for how children should be brought up. – Not even siblings should have the same upbringing, it should be adapted to the personality of the individual child. The beauty is that this can actually people out of themselves.

Ulvund notes that Trommald as Bufdir director is primarily concerned with child welfare, thus parents who can not cope with parenthood.

– But she can not do the whole population welfare clients, he says.

– An attack on parents

– I think this was a very provocative statements from Mari Trommald. I was simply cursed, says Elisabeth Rusdal, union leader of the Norwegian Women and Family Association.

– Once again we see an attack on parents. I wonder what kind of society she wants when she goes into a kind of state blueprint of what kind of upbringing method is right, much like the national dietary advice? I think parents are confused enough as it is by all experts maintained, she said.

Need room for diversity

– We must have room for diversity, and people must be allowed to ask grandparents, friends and family for advice, if they prefer.

Low-threshold services like health centers should be developed and be far more accessible than they are today.

Rusdal are concerned that increasing number of requirements imposed on parents in full time employment. – It is expected that they have to do homework with their children, and now they will be required to acquire research-based parenting skills. Front has only 24 hours still – I wonder when the balloon burst!

– Do not rob us of spinal reflex

Elisabeth S. Gundersen, Chairman of the Parents’ Committee for Primary and Secondary Education, is angered that Trommald question the parents’ reflex. – It’s the one we use when we should react to the kids, we have not constant an instruction manual at hand, she says. Gundersen is skeptical of the idea that one must have a research background to tackle child. – She wants more training for parents, but the uncertainty you anyway.

The most important thing in my opinion is that we parents never let their children be in no doubt that we love them. And that we can apologize if we’re wrong.

Mommy Blogger: – Distrust of parents

– The director of Bufdir utter distrust of all parents in the way she speaks on, says Kari Anne Gamkinn . She runs the blog Mamma lady.

– It is problematic that she gets worried when most parents say they feel safe in parenting. Children are today in educational institutions they are one year old and throughout childhood. I think that the home can never be an educational entity, but a place where there is room to show emotion, where not everything is perfect. It is also a lesson for the kids. My whole childhood can not be “research-based.”

Surrounded by experts

Gamkinn points out that parents are surrounded by experts who speak out about the most in child rearing, and that many are already taking with him much of the expertise into his role.

– But we must not exaggerate. We are people, for better or worse, and the most important thing for kids must be having parents who feel confident that they know what is best for their children.

– I stand wonders why CEO for the entire CPS wants parents to be unsafe and are worried if they say they are safe. Is this also the starting point when entering the families who are struggling? she asks.

Published: 13.aug. 2015 5:08 p.m.


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