Arfan Bhatti was 15 years old when he stabbed holder in a store at Bislett in Oslo. Thus he got his first conviction. He had been a member of the youth gang Young Guns since he was 13 years old.
According to VG Bhatti behind the counter in the store and sent a soda bottle glass in the head holder. Then he went up a kitchen knife he had with him and stuck holder several times chest and stomach.
Born and raised in Norway
Arfan Qadeer Bhatti was born on August 9, 1977 raised in Norway with parents of Pakistani origin, the youngest siblings of four. He attended elementary schools in Oslo, but has spent several years in Pakistan. In Norway he was young also taken into public care, and placed on a child care institution.
Since it’s been more serious judgments on 37-year-old police arrested at Gardermoen when he Wednesday returned to Norway.
Video: Arfan Bhatti back in Norway
Arfan Bhatti back in Norway
He is regarded as a feared person, not least as a mentor for the Islamist group Profetens Ummah . But there is a charge of domestic violence against his three children and ex-wife that is why he was arrested when he returned to Norway. Friday however, he was released by Court of Appeal rejected the police appeal of the decision in the Oslo District Court.
Bhatti is described as very charismatic, very glue in the Islamist group. One of his female supporters as a Dagbladet interview last May calling themselves “Umm Salahudeen”, stated that “actual” environment “was nothing before Arfan Bhatti stood before Parliament and talked about Afghanistan. It was the beginning of the organized community. “
In January 2012 stood Bhatti with long beards and ankle short pants in front of a small group of Islamists outside Parliament. They demonstrated that Norway should pull their troops out of Afghanistan.
“Umm Salahudeen” said further, constantly according to Dagbladet, “It is Arfan Bhatti who keeps the environment together, it is he who is the glue. When he is present we hold together, it is he who is the charismatic leader. “
In August 2012, Bhatti expelled from a courtroom in Oslo courthouse when he followed the trial where Mullah Krekar was charged draptruslermot earlier Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik, the Norwegian police and Norwegian interests.
– I found it right then Bhatti has been convicted of the same type of crime which we shall examine in relation to Krekar, said prosecutor Marit Bakkeviks.
Criminal Sentenced repeatedly
In 1998, he was sentenced to fuse to have shot a person during a torpedo missions. In connection with the trial confirmed straight psychiatrist that Bhatti had “insufficiently developed mental faculties,” and in 2004 and 2006 meant experts that he had “antisocial personality disorder”. Later it appears other court documents that a court psychiatrist thinks he is nice and is good at talking. He allegedly stated that he had broken with his past, that he had become “adult”.
In 2006, he was indicted for shooting against the Jewish synagogue in Oslo, and to have planned to blow up the US and the Israeli embassy.He preceded his arrest, the summer of 2006, was stopped by police in Germany. In the car he had pictures of a variety of missiles and weapons, handwritten notes about shooting weapons caliber and shooting distance, as well as picture of a dead Palestinian girl.
– When I was going to the Middle East, I could get use weapons. In such countries it may soon happen that you need weapons to protect women and children, and himself, explained Bhatti in the trial.
In 2008 he was convicted of complicity in the shooting against the synagogue, but acquitted terrorist planning. In three years, 2006-2009, he sat in custody.
He admitted to having threatened a former top in pyramid schemes T5PC in 2006, but denied attempted murder. In 2011, he was acquitted in the Court of Appeal for indictment.Terrorist acts?
In the early 2000s stayed Bhatti in Pakistan. Where he should have been
Bhatti replied: – What terrorist acts, going well in the eye of the beholder.
According to court documents, he was in 1995 engaged to a Pakistani woman, whom he married in 2003. Together they have three children who are now aged 11 to 4 years. Kona came here in 2003, they lived with Bhatti family in Norway.
In 2012, he was charged with violence against his ex-wife and kids. That same year he lost the case for custody. The two oldest children have heard by a judge told their father used violence against them and their mother. Ex-wife and children fled to a shelter, and then moved to housing in escrow address, it appears from the judgment of 2012.Kona according to court said that Bhatti has stated desire jihad.
Bhatti has also been Muslim married to two women, according to court papers. The one woman he was married for about one year from February / March to August 2010, a former stewardess SAS Margrethe Salvesen from Trondheim. She has previously been interviewed in Adresseavisen and Morgenbladet about his relationship to Bhatti.
In March 2012, he became a Muslim married to another woman.
A child
He has been a child when it appears from court papers that he last year was sued in a farsskapssak.
He also had a relationship with a journalist in TV2. She has previously stated VG that she regrets the relationship.
Bhatti was also arrested for shooting towards the house Dagsavisen journalist Nina Johnsrud in 2006. He was never convicted of this.
The same year that his ex-wife won custody and he was charged with violence against her and the children, in 2012, he left Norway. He disappeared. His family in Norway asked the Foreign Ministry for help to find him, which is a Norwegian citizen.
Watch video: – Bhatti could radicalize the environment in Norway further
– Bhatti could radicalize the environment in Norway further
He was wanted by the Norwegian police in February 2013. A month before he was arrested according to court papers by Pakistani police. In eighteen years he has served a sentence in Pakistan.
According to TV2 he has said that he was sentenced to six years in prison for violations of criminal law in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
Help from disbelief
Although his family in Norway asked the Foreign Ministry for help to find him, he has stated that he does not want help from Norway.
– According to sharia law, I can not receive help from unbelievers have Bhatti stated according TV2.
Aftenposten wrote in 2012 that Bhatti was in Syria and probably participated in weapons training and resistance struggle against the Assad regime.
He was released from prison in Pakistan August 2014. He allegedly stated to the Norwegian media that he would not come back to stay in Norway because he believes that Islam does not allow Muslims to settle in the infidel’s countries.
He tried anyway to return to Norway last autumn but could not because he stood on a no-fly list. In December he was removed from this list. Now he is in Norway.
Although he has been out of the country he is seen as a leading figure of Islamists in Norway. During the remand hearing in Oslo City Court Thursday he received the support of old friends who showed up in the courtroom, among others Ubaydullah Hussein, former head of the Prophet Ummah.
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