Tuesday, January 27, 2015

1.5 million strike against Eriksson – Dagsavisen

1.5 million strike against Eriksson – Dagsavisen


This is the case

  • Labour and Social Affairs Robert Eriksson (FRP) will introduce a general admission to temporary employment without conditions up to twelve months.
  • Access has three limitations:
  • 1) Can not continue the employee, introduced a quarantine of twelve months for the employer to hire a new temporary.
  • 2) An allowance of 15 percent of the workforce is maximum for temporary appointee without conditions.
  • 3) It is not possible to conclude individual agreements on average calculation of working time. This will prevent temporary extensively working overtime or inconvenient times.
  • In addition, he proposes to extend the boundaries of overtime from 10 to 12 hours per week and from 25 to 30 hours per month. The total budget for overtime does not increase.
  • The Government will expand access to averaging of working hours.
  • Sunday Work is allowed when the nature of work make it necessary.
  • Upper age limit raised from 70 to 72 years. In the long term the government will raise the limit to 75 years.
  • Collective action right removed. This gives unions the right to bring legal action against employers suspected unlawful contract labor.
  • Source: NTB

– Eriksson would do well to listen when a total Norwegian unions say no to the proposals for weakening of the Working Environment Act, says LO leader Gerd Kristiansen.

Today Norway stand still for two hours while teachers, train drivers, nurses and police officers strikes against opening for temporary employment and other changes of the Working Environment Act.


Work Minister himself says he has trouble understanding why there are strikes and arguing that temporary employment will give more opportunity to try in the workplace. But few parts this understanding:

Besides that all employee unions have warned temporary employment, Labour Inspection, National Institute of Health (STAMI) and PSA warned that temporary employment can provide increased absenteeism and increased risk of accidents. Equality Ombudsman believes the proposal will close for vulnerable groups.

– It is very special that labor minister ignores the massive warnings, says LO Kristiansen.

invoke support

So who supports Eriksson? When he submitted proposals for a temporary hiring, said Eriksson that Akademikerne Real, Complex and NHO, and youth and Association for the Blind, would be positive for the temporary hiring. A review Dagsavisen have done, shows that this is not entirely the case.

Both Range and Akademikerne oppose an expanded access to temporary hiring. Daily has been in contact with Association for the Blind. Nor shall they sing.

Used disabled

Also the disabled should according Eriksson appreciate his politics: “I listen to FFO. They say that there are too few temporary positions so Disabled unavailable to work, “said Eriksson Political quarters when he was fresh minister. However, this is not.

– To allow for temporary fillers, is not the way to get more disabled people in work, says head Liv Arum.


– That Eriksson pushes ahead groups that do not support him, seriously enough. But he undermines warnings STAMI and Labour Inspection and cited changes in the Working Environment Act based on anecdotes and “brother research,” the parodic, says Labour’s Anette Trettebergstuen.

Dagsavisen has found numerous examples of debates where Eriksson cites “carpenter Verdalen” and their advisers from Domus Cafe, cited his vision.

– Individuals he meets can not dictate the lives of millions of workers, says Weary Bergestuen.

– If unions no longer be representative of the country’s workers, we are in a dangerous development for Norwegian working life, says LO leader Kristiansen.

Daniel (25) Robert Eriksson prime example.

During NRK debate, Civitas breakfast meeting and in Dagsavisen has Eriksson last week told about “Daniel Hamar” that is for temporary hiring because it gave him a chance to showcase themselves to the employer.

Today, Eriksson criticized by LO and Labor to operate brother research and cite individuals who share his vision. Behind Eriksson example finds Daniel Ervik (25) from Klæbu. He works in technology firm «Making View» housed in Hamar.

Good suggestions

Ervik has notified that he has been an example in the heated debate about temporary employment.

– I have not gone through all the measures to Eriksson, but what I stand for, is that it may be good that people can be tested in 6-12 months before being considered for a permanent job, says Ervik Dagsavisen.

Although he trained in animation in London and at the University of Missouri. While working in a company run by former students, he was hired to “Making View.” After a few months in business, he became a permanent employee.

– I got lucky and got the opportunity to try me and see what I could. When you work in a small entrepreneurial company, there is a risk hiring someone without knowing what they are good for. Therefore I think it is nice to have the opportunity to showcase themselves to an employer for a period of time.

Speaking with ordinary people

Work Minister Robert Eriksson dismisses the criticism from Labor and LO and says He will continue to use examples like Daniel.

– I speak with ordinary working people as I hit on businesses and on the streets. This I will continue with. As Labour and Social Affairs, it is important to listen to a wide range of people, in addition, I am equally concerned about the unemployed as those who are inside, says Eriksson.

Aps Anette Trettebergstuen think it would have been better if Eriksson acknowledged that changes in the Working Environment Act to the employer than to pretend that it is best for the employee.

– It is disrespectful and irresponsible that a minister submits policy that will make such a big impact on people’s lives, without being honest why he does it.


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