Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Received threats because she supported Kristiansund – Aftenposten

Received threats because she supported Kristiansund – Aftenposten

Else-May Botten, who is Member of Parliament for Møre og Romsdal, said the threat was so severe that she reviewed the police.

Botten has not toned flag in the inflamed hospital controversy between Kristiansund and Molde, so several of her colleagues in the county has done. While both Liberal Pål Farstad (born in Ålesund, resident in Kristiansund) and Progress Harald T. Nesvik (born in Ålesund) has spoken critically about the decision making process prior to the health minister’s decision to add public hospital to Molde, has Botten weather silent.

The local newspaper in Kristiansund Future Requirements, posed in a recent editorial article questioned Bottens commitment Nordmøre. Botten is Nordmøre, raised in Valsøyfjorden in Halsa municipality, but is now living in Molde.

Suspicious Made in newspaper

– Were you threatened because you have not expressed your critical towards Minister of Health and process?

– It may be part of the police investigation, so I can not answer.

– You were born in Nordmøre, but live in Romsdal. Has hospital case been extra challenging for you?

– It is demanding anyway. I’m concerned we should have a good hospital care throughout the county.

– Was it uncomfortable to be suspicion in Future Demands?

– Yes, was. I see it as my task as parliamentary representative to have contact with all different interest parties in my home county.

Will not feel fear

Police confirm that a kristiansund man suspected in the case, and that one prosecution decision will be released in a matter of weeks. According to police, criminal bid man investigated for a punishment of more than six-month jail.

Botten, which sits in the food committee in Parliament, saying it was a nasty experience to receive such a serious threat, but feel that the police has done a good job. Police have asked her not to inform the public about what the threat went out. She says she has never experienced being threatened for his political work.

– The threat was serious. Therefore it was important to react. Politicians must be able to do its job without feeling fear she says.

Hospitals controversy Nordvestlandet has been very inflamed for several years. But when the decision to close the hospital to Molde was made before Christmas, it created a violent rage in Kristiansund and Nordmøre.

Høie must give multiple answers

On Tuesday landed Parliamentary Control Committee that you want more information before they decide whether Health Bent Høie (H) shall be summoned to an open hearing in hospital case.

The Committee received Christmas Eve answers to ten questions they had sent the Minister of Health, but was not entirely satisfied with the answers . Now you need Høie answer further questions about the process ahead of his December 19 decided that the new common hospital for North Møre og Romsdal will be located in Molde, and not in Kristiansund.

It has been put forward claims that that Høie have broken the law firms in advance of December 19th-decision through to instruct or order a specific outcome of the process in the regional and the local health authority.

Høie rejected categorically in his letter to the committee before Christmas Eve .

Eight questions

– This is justified in particular by the consideration that Høie says in his reply to Parliament that it is perfectly legitimate to give signals outside corporate meeting. We ask him specifically how much he can enlighten before it is perceived as control signals, said Committee Chair Martin Kolberg (Ap).

The Committee also asks Høie clarify his views what has happened in the interaction between Health Central Norway (HMN ) and its subsidiary Health Møre og Romsdal (HMR). A total of eight questions must Høie answer.

– It’s special about these meetings that are not characterized as board meetings, but as yet has been facing. We want the minister views on whether this has been authorized meetings and whether there is a form that he accepts, says Kolberg.

Gardermoen meetings

According to Aftenposten, there are two meetings at Gardermoen, 27 and 28 November, Kolberg and committee particularly have in mind. The meeting on 27 November at the administrative level between the general manager of HMN, Daniel Haga and CEO of HMR, Astrid Eidsvik.

They were “ordered” by their boards to find if they could agreed a joint recommendation on empty election, despite the fact that both boards are legally required to make completely independent assessments.

Do not agree

But Haga and Eidsvik did not agree. Haga said he would have a setting that could be adopted in his rule, a board Haga perceived would go for Molde. Eidsvik would have Kristiansund and wanted nor to discuss other options than Kristiansund, according a report from the meeting.

Because Haga and Eidsvik not agreed, it was the day after held another meeting where also the chairmen were present. But without the agreed joint settings.

It is at these meetings Eidsvik believes that the parent company, HMN, “intervened in the process” and made the situation difficult for her. Eidsvik resigned December 4th, took six days for her to present their setting.

Also read:

– Kristiansund has driven risk sport on senior

Doctors requires that the chairman resigns

Kolberg mean hospital report is very serious

Legal assessment endorses hospital process

Høie poured against Molde – but denies having instructed

Published: 06.jan. 2015 4:35 p.m.


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