Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Storm in Finnmark. Police ask people to stay indoors – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Police are asking people to stay indoors in large parts of Finnmark, unless it is absolutely necessary to go out. Worse is the Hammerfest area where a house has been torn off the roof and a car has been blown off the road.

– We ask people to be careful when they are out. Things can come flying through the air, it is important to be careful so you do not get hit, said operations manager Kai Ruben felled in Finnmark Police told Dagbladet.

TELL US: Do you have pictures of the storm in Finnmark? Send SMS and MMS to 2400, call 2400 0000 or send email to 2400@db.no

NOTE forecast

Meteorological Institute went Monday with an OBS forecast for Finnmark , with notice of a storm in the county:

“From Tuesday morning is expected western periodically storm with wind gusts up to 35 meters per second, and difficult conditions in mountain passes because of strong winds, sleet and temperatures around zero degrees” .

– There are several weather stations along the coast which now measures the storm, including Båtsfjord with gusts of around 35 meters per second, says Sjur Wergeland, duty meteorologist at weather prediction for Northern Norway , to Dagbladet.

the storm is expected to last until sometime into the night Tuesday, says Wergeland.

– The roof blew off

Police in Finnmark can largely confirm the demanding conditions, and state that they have had enough to keep us busy during the morning hours. Tuesday morning were four roads closed due to the storm, writes iFinnmark.

– There have been enough to do here. There is a roof that blew off a home in Kvalsund outside Hammerfest. No one was injured and the fire department are working on cleaning up the place now, says hewn

In addition, a fiber cord blown down and laid across the road in Aronnesveien in Alta, and a windbreak are coming loose from a construction site in Hammerfest.

– Stay inside

The police have so far not received reports of casualties as a result of the storm raging in the county. But a motorist got an unpleasant experience when the wind took good hold of his car Tuesday morning.

– It was a bigger car that blew off the road by Repparfjorden. The car was undamaged, but the wind had taken firm hold and pushed the car out of the way, says hewn.

The police are now asking people to be built unless it is absolutely necessary to move outdoors.

– When roof blows off, so we are talking about high winds. You know it rips mustache then, says an amused Operations.


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