Thursday, March 10, 2016

PST uncovered illegal nuclear exports through 60 years – case dismissed – VG

PST think that the nuclear reactor in Halden has violated the rules for export controls since the ’50s. Yet prosecutors now dismissed complaints against the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE).

In 2013 admitted IFE that they had started tests to assist the Navy in Brazil with a new generation of nuclear submarines – without having cleared this with the Ministry .

But in addition, the police investigation revealed that the owners of the Halden reactor has operated in violation of the law on export control through almost 60 years, ever since the reactor became operational in 1958.

This offense applies a project together with the OECD, the Halden reactor has researched fuel for nuclear power plants since opening in 1958.

Only after the IFE was prosecuted by Bellona and the Foreign Ministry in 2013 sent institute application of UD for exemption from the Norwegian strict rules on exports that could be used for military purposes.

Atom scandal in Halden : – Potentially very serious matter

violated the law

“It seems clear that IFE joint project applicant has breached export control under section 5, “writes attorney Frederick G. Ranke in the recent shelving of the case.

But the prosecutor believes that it is not proven that the IFE has deliberately speculated breaking the law on export control, or balancing on the edge of the law. It is also not possible to hold any individuals responsible, and the matter is therefore dismissed.

Broken Storting

 DISAPPOINTED: Nils B & # xF8; hmer Bellona  does not agree that the Institute for Energy  Technology releases corporate penalties for atomic  aff & # xE6; clean in Halden.
DISAPPOINTED: Nils Bohmer Bellona does not agree that the Institute for Energy Technology releases corporate penalties for nuclear affair in Halden. Photo: Cornelius Poppe NTB scanpix

– I am very surprised that IFE is not imposed any kind of corporate penalties, when they implement nearly 60 years without seeking an export license, says Nils Bohmer, managing director of Bellona, ​​told VG.

he believes that Parliament’s preconditions for strict control of nuclear technology, to prevent military use of the Norwegian nuclear research can be broken:

– the intention has always been research on civil nuclear power. When PST has now revealed that the Halden reactor constantly had activities that should be subject to export controls, I was expecting a far more stringent reaction, said Bohmer.

More illegal deals

Brazil affair proved just to be the start of a major internal washing.

in september 2013 admitted IFE that they had agreements with four additional countries, and could not rule out that the agreements had also been useful for military purposes .

the contracts with the Russian Federation, the United States, Argentina and France were also not submitted to the Foreign Ministry, admitted IFE.

“IFE extensive routine changes for dealing with issues of export controls clearly shows that Institute now recognize that their previous understanding was not in compliance with regulations for export control, “writes the prosecutor in his dismissal letter.

Let away Brazil agreement

 TOUGHER CONTROL: Lont is chairman of IFE, which  owns the Halden reactor.
TOUGHER CONTROL: Lont is chairman of IFE, which owns the Halden reactor. Photo: Tor Erik Schroder NTB scanpix

After PST started investigation, came final application for export to Brazil by UD. The application was blank refused, with the result that IFE stopped trials and withdrew from the contract with Brazil.

“Brazil project was called off in time,” writes statsavokaten.

“the joint project in Halden has been ongoing since 1950 and the authorities have been informed of this without intervening. Nobody in FRE has still violated export control above. The case is old without it can be IFE to load, “said the shelving of the case.

Better management and control

Lont, CEO of Statnett, is chairman of the Institute for Energy Technology.

he writes in a text message to VG Wednesday afternoon that the IFE has made changes in the organization to improve the management and control of the nuclear sector:

“As the prosecutor pointed out, requires IFE now a mandatory assessment of all new projects» he added.

Eva F. Dugstad, IFE’s CEO since 2010, resigned from the post in May last year. The Board has now appointed Nils Morten Huseby as new CEO. But Lont denies that chief shift is related to the PST’s investigation and compliance violations:

“Managing Director wanted last year even detachment after six years of intensive restructuring work at IFE. Appointment of a new CEO has therefore no connection with this matter, “writes Lont in a text message.


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