Friday, March 11, 2016

Now Crown Prince Haakon military parachutist – Seoghø

This week received our lusty Crown evidence from the defense.

SEOGHØR.NO: Crown Prince Haakon (42) has for several years been fond of both outdoor and extreme sports, and for the second year in a row ready for the Norwegian Birkebeiner.

When he age of 40 summer of 2013, he arrived in his own party in the sky.

Although it was not the first time he parachuted at the time, so he admitted the guests that it was a little scary.

– it was worse than I imagined, said Haakon from stage to laughter from friends and family.

Mette-Marit also thought it was thrilling .

– I could not look at before parachute unleashed. Actually, he has not been allowed to go skydiving since we were together. It’s very good to have you down on earth again, she told her husband and the press.

A lot has happened since then.

This week conducted and consisted namely crown prince Armed parachute course, and now he is approved as a military tactical skydiver, reports castle.

See Haakon conduct parachute course here:

Jumped at night

It was the Armed Forces Special Command (FSK) that accounted for the course where the crown prince was a student, and during a simple ceremony in camp Rena Thursday evening received he’s certificate.

during the days Haakon attended FSKs ordinary fallskjermkur himself through a series of physical tests and training jumps, both day and night, along with other soldiers.

the Crown Prince has passed all standard requirements and is now certified as military tactical skydiver with assault triggered round screen.

the case continues below.

In-FREE FALL: Here jumps soldiers out of the military aircraft. defense

Shelves crown prince on Facebook

the comments have not been long in coming after the royal family has posted video of the crown prince on Facebook. The Norwegian people are clearly proud of him.

– This is the great respect. It’s nice to see that our crown prince and future king conducting this, and he’s going to be a good commander in chief when the time comes. Proud our royal family, said one.

– Knowledgeable crown prince … as Norway soon supreme knowledge and personal experience about the armed services of immense value, respect, says another.

– For a tough guy! This is probably not anyone dare! writes a third.

– Impressive! Great respect for the many qualifications our beautiful Crown has! comments yet.

– Hey well done you go to your sister’s footsteps, she also jumped parachute, you are really harsh both, really good PR for the royal family in Norway Hura Hura Hura Hura, cheered it.

– So incredibly well done! Sporty and earthy Crown we have, says another.

The course crown prince now has passed, is a part of education to become a paratrooper. He is already the admiral in the Navy, General in the Army and General of the Air Force.

Skydiver: Here’s crown prince back on the ground again. defense

READ ALSO: Mette -Marit was moved to tears

11. March 2016 – 6:49 p.m.


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