Thursday, March 10, 2016

Johansen will continue to lead “city government”: – Permitted within current legislation –

(Dagbladet): The first Raymond Johansen (Ap) did after he won elections in Oslo last autumn, was to announce that the new coalition would call themselves city government – not councils.

it has not fallen on good soil with municipal Minister Jan Tore Sanner – and then the committee that is working on new municipality submitted its recommendation today, it became clear that neither the supports terminology.

It does not change matter what future municipalities say about the matter as long as the current law allows, believes Johansen.

It was last week that the City Council formally changed the name.

– The decision is based partly on the Municipal Attorney’s conclusion that the municipality has the full right to make such a change within the municipalities. I can not see that the committee has provided some interpretation of municipal law as it is today, but they do come with some advice on how they think the law should be in the future, and the range is divided on this issue. At municipal Minister today have flagged their views on the proposed new municipality does not change the current legislation, Johansen says to Dagbladet.

Among those who supported the new city council in word choice språknestoren sylfest lomheim.

The purpose of ordendringen is to clarify the difference between the city council and the executive political power in the municipality, explains Johansen.

– We believe this provides greater clarity in the roles and responsibilities of the various political bodies have, and that it will provide a greater understanding of people how decisions in the municipality that are made, says Johansen.

Johansen has been criticized from several quarters for its definitive recommendation on the matter – and political opponents of the City Council draws parallels to the vain Roman emperor Julius Caesar, who called up a special month after themselves.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg went moreover onto Johansen on twitter today with the following, somewhat humorous, message: “Dear Raymond Johansen, if Oslo certainly will have a separate government, it’s okay that I move the government of Norway to Bergen, then? “.

Johansen has replicated the tweet to point out that Bergen has parliamentary form of government, and that they have had a city government for 16 years.

Local Government Minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) believe it is not within the current legislation can be called city government, but says it is not necessary to go to court against the City of Oslo. He still believes that it is natural that the City of Oslo joins.

NOU Municipality Law Commission presented today, is now being sent out for consultation with the six-month deadline. So the Government is likely to forward a legislative amendment blow to Parliament.

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