Friday, March 18, 2016

Five months in prison for assaulting 14-year-old –

The two met online in 2012, when the man was 22 years old and the girl was 14, reports NRK.

After several months of almost daily contact via the Web, they met and ended up having sex in the man’s apartment. They met several times and had intercourse on several occasions. In 2013, the contact broken, because the girl thought the man was too old.

Two years later, in June 2015, the case was reported to police after the girl told about it to treatment in child and adolescent psychiatry.

She should have had a difficult childhood, but the court finds that the problems she has today, not due to the sexual relations with the man who is now doomed.

the court finds it aggravating that the man had sexual intercourse with the girl even though he knew she was under 16. despite what is described as a kind of friendship, the court is that the events had a certain touch of exploitation.

the condemned get a sentence reduction after he confessed in the first encounter with the police. In addition to the prison sentence, he was ordered to pay 50,000 kroner in damages to the girl.



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