Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Fears that peacocks are kidnapped – NRK

After peacock own Sissel Bratlie embarked inquiry on Facebook, she has been showered with messages from bird lovers all over Norway. Everyone wants to help to find the colorful copies.

Bratlie live in Nordvik district Fana a few mil south of the city center.

Peacocks are not in the wild state in Norway. Copies to Bratlie, one male and two females, are bought and bred private. They are blue-green, of Indian descent and marked with white rings.

– I fear that someone has taken them. We have easy day and night, also with headlamps. Peacocks are stedsbunnede and male “Odin” always tends to come when I call him. He’d never traveled from their ladies, tells the desperate owner told NRK.

This is peacock

  • Peacock is the term for three species of birds in Asia and Africa.
  • is best known for the huge feathers hannindividene have. When they feel threatened or to attack, they lift up the springs. This makes them look very much larger.
  • They can shake their feathers and make a loud, frightening sound to further seem more threatening.
  • The peacock weighing up to 6 kg and tail feathers are approximately 1.5 meters long.
  • When there is no mating season losing male most of the hair on the tail and have mostly just long stems back.
  • The peacock will average 4 kids. Is a social animal, but also live alone.
  • There are no peacocks in the wild in Norway.

Source: Wikipedia

gONE AWAY: Sissel Bratlie and one of the three missing peacocks.

Photo: Private

Track Resolved away

– They are one year old now and has grown big and beautiful. They tend to walk around the house here, or they sit in trees and on the roof at night. Three weeks ago, they were observed by the sea, but then disappeared all tracks, says Bratlie.

The first two weeks hoped she and her husband for the longest time that the birds would return by itself. But no.

– Had it been predators afoot we’d heard the sound. Peacocks scream loud!

Creepy men with splash

Monday this week, it received a tip that there three weeks ago was seen a white van with three men and a big splash. It was also committed several burglaries in the area.

– Since I started spreading the word in social media, and on pages for birds and poultry, I have received several interesting tips, including this. Evidence indicates that birds are kidnapped. Now I’m going to report the case to the police, said Bratlie.

More bird lovers helps her now to look online, partly Finn.no, to see if peacocks being put up for sale . Others have offered Bratlie hatching eggs so she can devise new peacock chicks.


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