Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Breivik disappointed that her mother was proud of him – VG

SKIEN (AP) Attorney Marius Emberland believes that Anders Behring Breivik is still a dangerous man.

Emberland starts his keynote speech to talk about incidents on 22 July 2011. he also says that Breivik zones within the department of especially high security including on the basis of the statements he made in his manifesto and later. Attorney General believes there is a risk of escape and a high risk of serious criminal acts in the future.

– Breivik is short, a very dangerous man. That is why he serves his sentence at especially high security. It would be startling if not the authorities took plaintiff seriously.

In his keynote speech, took Breivik lawyer Øystein Storrvik called for mass killing man is subjected to extensive human rights violations.

Disappointed mother

During the review of Breivik’s contact with the outside world, read the attorney General a note from the health service where the relationship with the mother is referred to.

– Breivik is not sure he for more contact with the mother, since she is more proud of him. She should have been the proudest mother in the whole of Europe, read the Attorney Adele Matheson Mestad.

It is further stated that he was a period wanted to cancel visits from mother. They had intermittently contact with regular phone calls. Then he got an extension of telephoning when she became ill. Imprisoned also organized transportation from the hospital when she fell ill that she would get to visit him.

Breivik received a total of five visits by his mother at Ila, before she died.

Sa NO social offers

During your stay in Skien prison Breivik predisposed three cells and given the opportunity to daily airing. He studies political science, and he has a visit from a priest and called besøksvenn.

In the gym’s treadmill, spinning bike, multi exercise equipment and exercise mat. On study cell desk, electric typewriter, corkboard and stressless footstool. On bocellen he has access to television with DVD, Playstation, newspapers, magazines and books, puzzles and a discman.

Breivik has also participated in the prison’s gingerbread house competition, as part of life skills training where he also cook and wash their own clothes. He also received vote in the last parliamentary election.

Mass killings husband has also refused to attend floorball games with employees and chess with volunteers. According to himself; primarily because he “not at all have an interest in some of its parts.” In a letter to Correctional Services, he suggested according Emberland rather that he should be granted a gaming console. Something he has today.

Attorney read extensive excerpts from health notes IIa and Skien prison prepares about Breivik.

– If one reads the notes in context, they provide a fairly clear picture of a person that is largely healthy and in good shape. A person who is largely in good spirits. So there are two issues that stand out. What he himself describes as insulation headache and he a period struggled with memory. We will of course take seriously, but we note that it is the only two negative consequences that are heard, says Emberland.

The missing memory was recorded in a short period after a transfer from Ila to Skien jail. The headache appeared last fall, but was better up to July

Sent or Received 4000 letter

Breivik had a desire to communicate with a large number of peripheral minded that he has never known. Attorney believes you can ask questions about whether there are such relationships Convention on Human Rights is designed to protect.

They stressed that the opinion traps that Anders Behring Breivik wants to communicate with, you will be inspired to carry out new terrorist attacks.

– Government interests in implementing a strict control of his communication is compelling, says Attorney Adele Matheson Mestad, adding that it should be more important than Breivik needs to get to communicate with people he never known.

She also pointed out that Correctional Services may revoke the letter if they contain information which will disturb the peace, order and security. It does not contain anything about the specific plans for new crimes.

– That it practiced a strict letter control in this case is clearly reassuring for the community.

Overall, we are talking about around 4000 letter he has sent and received throughout the period he has served. Around 600 of them have been stopped, that only around 15 percent.

Attempted to “get” Breivik

Attorney General also described an escape attempt in which another inmate climbed to department where Breivik sits isolated and hammered on the window.

– If the door had not been here, I would kill you for what you did. I love my country. Furthermore, said inmates that he would take Breivik if he was transferred to the department A. Prisoners expressed that there is no problem getting up in the second floor of department A because he knows that employees have keys. Inmates said that he had thought a lot about this lately, the inmates have said according to a note from prison as Emberland read from.

DIRECT: Follow the trial directly on VGTV and in text

– A victory for society

– the plaintiff has gone to a civil lawsuit against the state. I welcome the fact that the plaintiff has applied the rule means to get tried his case. I view this as a victory for the community plaintiff attacks, says Emberland.

It is the State’s opinion that his prison conditions are well within the framework of the ECHR sets. There is no violation of either Article 3 or Article 8, believes Emberland.

– ECHR prohibits, among other inhuman and degrading treatment. Not given what themselves what those terms are. It must be made an interpretation of these terms, said the Attorney General.

Anders Giæver comments: No change in Breivik

Displayed Nazi salute

the time 8:50 was mass murderer brought into the makeshift courtroom in the gymnasium in Skien prison where he the next few days will fight for milder prison conditions. It is Anders Behring Breivik who has sued the Norwegian state.

He is wearing a dark suit and the same light brown tie as he had during the trial four years ago. The head is clean-shaven.

Shortly after he was taken off the handcuffs did Breivik Nazi salute before he sat down next to his lawyers. In the remand hearing for 22 July and during the criminal proceedings, he made another greeting, with clenched fist.

During the criminal proceedings he also made the point that he did not recognize the court. Today he conducted himself silent when the court was set.

Experts VG today: – Breivik marks that he is now Nazi

– not contrary to human rights

Emberland lists five elements the state considers to be significant:

– Firstly: Zoning of punishment is not in itself inhuman. It ECHR said in numerous cases. Punishment is the application of contents of suffering and humiliation. It is not in itself in conflict with Article 3. Although it other than convicted may be things that are perceived as degrading. It’s uncomfortable and it will be very uncomfortable to serve a lengthy criminal

– Second: Incarcerated at especially high security is not in contravention of the ECHR. There has even said in several cases. The authorities are of course aware that there are certain limits and they should we relate to. But even with the substantial integrity restrictive measures are not in conflict with Article three.

– Third term isolation is not a term with a specific legal content that we can draw any firm conclusions from. Breivik is isolated does not mean that there are violations of the ECHR that reason. I do note that EMD operates with a relatively insulation concept. Even the kraftigse intervention need not be contrary to Article 3.

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– Fourth: what matters for EMD when insulation would be contrary to the ECHR for the very specific inmates is that the points overall exceeds the human. The material conditions are of importance. The area you have available. Access to light and air. Access to other people. The extent of the compensatory measures to prevent insulation damage given importance. Recuperation given importance. The inmates’ own choices additional significance. ECtHR practice shows that it takes a lot for before arising over for a violation of article 3 when zones at especially high security.

– As a fifth and final point: It is Breivik who must demonstrate that he has been subjected to conditions which are a violation of Article 3. it’s not that it’s so basically, and that the state must prove that there are no violations.

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Grids on head

Breivik shaking upset on the head several times while Attorney Emberland talking.

– finally a few words about what you could call the plaintiff’s peculiar relationship to truth and falsehood. We can not simply assume that he is telling the truth about the atonement, and other things. He has a pragmatic attitude towards truth. In some cases, he can be trusted. In other cases not. We must remember that he wants to present himself as a martyr against his fellow. This means that the court must be extra vigilant in the search for evidence than just his own statement, saying Emberland.

Emberland says that inmates on an especially high security, which is the level Breivik zones under should not have contact with inmates other departments. In Norway there are only six people who have been sitting on this atonement for the previous ten years. Emberland also says that when one has visits at this level it will be made with glass partition between visitors and inmates.

He also talks about the opportunities they have to control letter correspondence, phone calls and visits. Among other things, all phone calls monitored. One should also read and possibly censor letters.

Breivik was sane: Read psychiatrists reviews here

– Have eased the decisions

Emberland was additionally visited the opportunities one has to do nakenransakinger and use handcuffs on the prisoners. This is something Correctional Services shall be continuously assess whether there are grounds for.

– It’s hit very many decisions concerning Breivik compared to his sentencing. (…) It will be seen that over time there is a development of less intrusive decisions for plaintiff.

Emberland went through several of these decisions in chronological order, just to show that after the state’s vision has eased the decisions against Breivik.

Nevertheless, Correctional Services still maintain that there is a need for that Breivik should zone under especially high security. Partly because they believe there is still a danger that he will commit new, serious crime and because they consider the danger of escape too great.

– Showing no sign of remorse

Emberland also recalls what the plaintiff has been convicted for. He also refers to statements he made in connection with the punishment. Where he stated that there would be more terrorist attacks. In his manifesto he wrote about potential escapes from prison.

– So we also have this risk of violence against him from other inmates. We’re going to hear about how the plaintiff has shifted to a non-violent strategy, but we must remember that he has not shown any sign of remorse.

He shakes his head when Emberland says that there is no sign of self-awareness in terms of the actions he has committed.

– Do not communicate with like-minded

Lawyer Adele Matheson Mestad continues Attorney keynote speech. She will deal with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which is one of two articles Breivik believes that the state has violated human rights.

In three cases, it has been decided to refuse any visit Breivik. Beyond this, there are few who have expressed a desire visit. In other cases, for example when it comes to journalists and scientists, he has even added restrictions on visits that have made them impossible to implement, says Mestad ..

She also says that he had weekly telephone contact with a concrete person, but that he own request now has completed this.

the biggest limitations mean Mestad Breivik experienced compared to letter writing, and says these are largely done to prevent him to switch information with his fellow.

he had a desire to communicate with a large number of peripheral minded that he has never known. Establishing such relationships, one might question whether the provision in Article 8 is intended to protect.

Attorney describes how Breivik has gained a loyal but small fan online, and some of these have tried to organize organization Breivik claimed to represent, “Knights Templar.”

– Breivik through their letter writing helps to radicalize others, says Mestad, the new head shaking from Breivik.

An example Mestad highlights the correspondence with convicts-minded is a letter from a russian neo-Nazi. She also draws letters Breivik tried to send out, but that has been stopped. One such example is letter he tried to send to Peter Mang, known as “Laser Man 2″ in Sweden.

Stopped letter

Letter minded is consistently letter has been particularly dedicated to Breivik. Some of them, three in number, have also tried to visit him. Attorney Mestad shows an example of such a letter to one of those who refused to visit him. The letter, written in English, was written to a woman right before the verdict of the criminal case against Breivik.

In the letter, he describes that he wants her to create a blog. He also describes what the blog should be called, how it should look like and what it should contain. In the letter, he has also written the speech he performed in court in 2012.

Breivik has subsequently attempted to send the same letter as ten different sender, ie ten short letter, but also they were stopped by Skien prison

the woman also requested permission to visit Breivik, but this was not met by the prison.

Letters have also been stopped because of the design. Then Breivik, according to the Attorney General, tried to write in a way that makes it impossible to check the contents. Among other things he has written with such small print that one has not managed to read what’s there.

Letters he sent to the media, politicians and organizations have Breivik largely been allowed to send, according Mestad.


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