Monday, March 14, 2016

Believes Behring Breivik must be isolated in prison – NRK

* Anders Behring Breivik was in August 2012 sentenced to 21 years’ detention with 10 years minimum term for terrorist attacks on Utøya and in the government district on 22 July 2011.

* 77 people were killed and a large number of seriously injured .

* Breivik has since his arrest in 2011 atoned with provisions for an especially high security.

* the regime involves a comprehensive protection of cells and division and no dealings with inmates from other departments.

* Breivik was transferred to Skien prison autumn 2013 after serving the first years at Ila prison in Baerum.

* in January 2013 Reviewed Breivik prison management by Ila, and then Minister of Justice Grete Faremo (Ap) for torturing prison conditions due to prolonged isolation. Breivik asserted itself also subjected to psychological abuse through constant physical searchings and by being levied utterance prohibition.

* The case was dismissed on the grounds that “nothing criminal offense proven.”

* July 1 2015 delivered Breivik a subpoena against the state for prison conditions which he believes violates human rights. This is particularly true Correctional use of isolation and communication control to him.

* Oslo District Court has set aside four days for the case starting March 15. The trial will be held in the gymnasium in Skien prison.

Source: NTB


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