Tuesday, March 1, 2016

19 years old Bergenser prosecuted for manslaughter – Bergens Tidende

19-year-old should have taped feet to mate before he killed him.

– He is charged with murder under especially aggravating circumstances, says Attorney Beate Rullestad Jansen Fædrelandsvennen.

In the indictment notifies the prosecution that it is appropriate to add the claim custody. 19-year-old is originally from Bergen.

Read also

In the indictment states that 19-year-old should have taped my legs and arms to 18-year-old before he stabbed him several times with one bajonettkniv and a machete.

police have previously stated that 18-year-old died of stab wounds.

Threatened to his car

19-year-old is also charged for threatening to a car at the scene. He then drove to Valand snack where he threatened to out a bottle of water. 19-year-old should then have been armed with a starting pistol.

Mandalitten has been examined by psychiatrists who concluded that he was sane moment in deed. Several of the experts should have been in doubt about the conclusion, and the issue of accountability will be a key topic when the trial starts in April.

– Deeply unhappy

19-year-old has admitted killing his friend, but have failed to account for any motive. Both the accused and the victim were students at Mandal secondary schools.

Wednesday, 22 april 2015 18 year old Joakim Ophaug Røksland found dead in a residence on Ime Mandal.

A 19-year-old fellow has confessed the murder.

After the murder threatened 19-year-old to a car and drove from the scene. He was soon arrested.

The victim and the perpetrator was in the third grade at the same high school in Mandal.

the forensic psychiatric examination of 19-year-old concluded that he was sane when the murder was committed.

he has in interviews failed to explain any motive.

– We take charge of intelligence and relate us to it. My client has acknowledged the actual and theme is sanity.

– My client is currently deeply unhappy over what has happened and wants to testify in court about what he remembers, says Møller Christensen Lindesnes Avis .

Correction: Fædrelandsvennen first wrote that 19-year-old is charged with capital murder. We can confirm that he has been indicted for manslaughter under especially aggravating circumstances.


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