Monday, August 10, 2015

Per Vålnes’ sister VG: – This is the worst thing that could happen – VG

TROMSØ (VG) Heidi Molstad Andresen, sister of missing Per Vålnes, says Public Prosecutions decision not to prosecute the murder case of evidence is the worst possible outcome.

– This is the worst thing that could happen, says Andresen VG, after the Monday morning became known that Prosecutions dropped the so-called Vålnes case.

Three people, including Per Vålnes’ former partner and her new husband, has been charged with murder or complicity in murder of Vålnes since autumn 2012. The police have claimed that Vålnes was put to death in connection with or after the celebration of his 50th birthday in Balsfjord night until 27 November 2011.

– The police have gone out loud and said they are confident that Per is killed. In addition to witness statements, they should sit on information, including electronic tracking and communication between the accused, which connects them to murder.

Public Prosecutions also states in its decision that they assume Per is dead, but there was “not sufficient evidence basis to prosecute the three for having killed him.” So yes, I fear that the killers now go free because they do not have evidence that will hold in a lawsuit, says Andresen.

Background: Therefore police believe Vålnes were killed

& lt; p & gt; FEARED shelved: Heidi Molstad Andresen fear that she never will f & # xE5; answers p & # xE5; what happened to her brother. & lt; br / & gt; & lt; / p & gt;

FEARED shelved: Heidi Molstad Andresen fear that she will never get answers what happened to her brother.

Photo: Jørgen Braastad , VG

She points out that shelving of the case is not the same as an acquittal.

– If the accused is innocent, it should also be in their interest that the matter came before a court, so everyone got insight into what the police have and do not have the information.

I find it striking that one of the most central of the accused has refused to be interrogate since the initial interrogation for two and a half years ago. The person responded nor on one question on which they were called to formally legal interrogation, says Andresen, who do not reject legal action in the future:

– I do not rule out that it may be necessary with a private lawsuit against the former accused, to assess the evidence the police actually sit on.

Lawyers alerts damages

Three people, including Vålnes’ former roommate, was remanded in custody for 13 months, charged with premeditated murder or complicity in this. They were released in December 2013.

 & lt; p & gt; ALERTS S & # xD8; KSM & # xc5; L: Defender Christian Wiig. & lt; br / & gt; & lt; / p & gt;

NOTICES OF ACTION: Defender Christian Wiig.

Photo: Kristian Helgesen , VG

Christian Wiig, defender of the former murder accused 44-year-old, now notifies an action for damages.

– There are two grounds for claims for damages for unjustified prosecution 13 months in custody, many weeks in complete isolation, and several police provocations went far beyond what the police should have done, writes Wiig in an email to VG.

The lawyer sieves including the story of how his client (44) through four months were exposed to an undercover operation by police, such VG has written previously.

The purpose was to provide evidence against the man, but police did not succeed. The man was partly taken to Finland under the pretext that he could be involved in a criminal trade. For these efforts Troms Police assistance of the Oslo police.

In addition, Wiig client subjected to a so-called evidence provocation in connection with the arrest of the man. Police let out an SMS trap when Vålnes’ former partner was arrested. By sending an SMS from her phone to 44-year-old with the message that she was arrested and told he had to call the last accused, hoping the police to provide evidence against the trio.

Furuholmen : – He is relieved

Morten Furuholmen, defense counsel for the former accused 41-year-old, is satisfied with the Public Prosecutions decision.

– I’ve talked to My client, who is pleased with shelving of the case. I’m happy for him. He is relieved that a very stressful period has been clarified, says Morten Furuholmen.

 FORN & # xD8; YD: Morten Furuholmen.
HAPPY: Morten Furuholmen. Photo: Jan Petter Lynau , VG

Furuholmen thinks the long investigation has been passed the accused’s favor.

– Investigation advances that have been made have strengthened the accused’s explanations.

– Would it be appropriate to an action for damages?

– Yes, it will. My client has been sitting long in custody, giving entitled to compensation. In addition, it is natural to look at the timing and seriousness of the matter, says Furuholmen told VG.

In the early phase was further three people indicted, but these were quickly checked out of the case after questioning.

Extensive investigation

The police have devoted considerable resources on the murder case through over three years. Just search under Vollan Gjestestue cost around NOK 20 million.

Despite extensive search operations on land, around the farm where Vålnes lived in the sea and shore in several places, as well as with GPR at Vollan Gjestestue, says police still without a corpse.

Acting Chief Einar Sparboe Lysnes denies however that the investigation can be resumed.

– The case is unclear, but it is assumed that Per Vålnes is dead even though the body is still not found. It emerges new information on the case will be considered if it is reasonable to implement new investigative steps, says Lysnes in a statement.


Vålnes and his former partner have children together. Their counsel is not surprised dismissal of the complaint.

– shelved is as expected from the facts of the case, writes counsel Erik Ringberg in an SMS to VG.

The police investigation concluded in June by the mysterious disappearance.

Vålnes was reported missing on December 1, 2011. Police have investigated whether Vålnes was killed in connection with or just after his own 50th birthday on Sagelva in Balsfjord, half mil away guest room, the night of 27 November 2011.

VG come back with more.


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