Monday, August 10, 2015

Hotel employees gagged and subjected to violence – Aftenposten

According to Aura Avis police during nighttime barred by Tingvoll Fjord Hotel.

North og Romsdal Police in a press release in Monday morning they at 23.31 Sunday night received notice of a violent episode at Tingvoll Fjord Hotel.

Not seriously injured

In the press release writes police that hotel drivers were gagged, threatened and subjected to violence by two unknown masked men, presumably of foreign origin. The two aggrieved were not seriously injured but was treated by local paramedics.

The police arrived at the scene and worked through the night with the questioning of victims and witnesses, write

Want tips

In connection with the investigation of the case of violence, the police are interested in observations from the crowds of people and traffic both before and after said date, and which can be put in connection with the incident at Tingvoll Fjord Hotel.

North og Romsdal police was notified about the incident Sunday at 23.30 o’clock. The two aggrieved were not seriously injured but was treated by paramedics.

Police asking for tips in the case and is partly interested in observations of people and traffic both before and after said date, which can be connected with the incident at fjord hotel.

Published: 10.aug. 2015 10:32


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