Tuesday, January 20, 2015

- Threat assessment against Krekar is too old – Dagbladet.no

- Threat assessment against Krekar is too old – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Terror Researcher Lars Gule at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences is critical to the justification for forcibly relocating Mullah Krekar for Names municipality of Sør-Trøndelag. In the press release refer to the expulsion decision from 2005 that was confirmed by the Supreme Court by judgment in 2007.

– Not forever

– justification rests on that he is a threat to national security. The starting point was information from US authorities. They were mistaken. This is information that US Secretary of State Colin Powell presented the UN. They proved to be erroneous, says Yellow Dagbladet.

– But by all means, they were not the only ones. Mullah Krekar has been active in a terrorist organization. But he would be a kind of link between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were completely wrong. And such a threat assessment can not stand forever. It is old. Developments in the world means that the basis is outdated, says Gule.

Krekar defends Brynjar Meling enlightened Dagbladet earlier this week that they intend to seek the expulsion decision reversed, but that they “need to take a case at a time.” Meling will now take evictions to Sør-Trøndelag to court.
– It is obvious that Kyrkeseterøra is a location we can not accept. It is far beyond what is acceptable distance to Oslo, where his family lives, says Meling.

– Threat

According decision must Krekar, or Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, at any time remain within municipal boundaries for Names Council.
“There are several criteria from the Police Security Service (PST) that Kyrksæterøra is determined as refuges” Printer police decision.
Krekar also levied notification three times a week.
“It is emphasized that Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad represent a threat to fundamental national interests. Imposition of notification and specific whereabouts deemed necessary and not disproportionate, cf. § 99 first paragraph, “writes the police in its grounds.

PST enlightened Dagbladet on Tuesday afternoon that security does not currently have any comments on developments in Krekar case.

– It is first and foremost a political task to ensure that the government has control of the people who must stay in the country despite the fact that they threaten national security. Then there is a police professional task to consider how this should take place, says Justice Minister Anders Anundsen said.
– We now see the first example that the new instructions are followed up. It is good and important, says Anundsen.


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