Wednesday, January 21, 2015

- Students must learn critical thinking in elementary school –

- Students must learn critical thinking in elementary school –

(Dagbladet): Today’s school should teach students basic skills in reading, writing, arithmetic, verbal ability and mastery of digital tools.

A Labor committee headed by parliament Jette Christensen and LO deputy Hans Christian Gabrielsen now proposes the introduction a sixth skill: Ability to think critically.

– Critical thinking is essential to be able to be an informed and independent person – and a prerequisite for a functioning democracy and an important skill in a knowledge society, according to report “Opportunities in restructuring. Political document on knowledge and value creation “presented tomorrow.

Must learn source criticism

– Ability to think critically must be above all the subjects as an umbrella. The development is such that we must take indiviuell choice early. We must sort information and therefore learn source criticism early, explains Jette Christensen.

She emphasizes that the school also currently teaches students critical thinking. But by putting it up as a Skills along with reading, writing and math, the work already done, revoked and stressed, she says.

The report can also be read as a confrontation with the philosophy of the Reform 94 as then Minister of Education Gudmund Hernes (Ap) was behind.

Not everyone will study

– I do not say we settlement, but we herald a change in course. Today schooling from elementary school through junior high and essentially an academic specialization run.

We need both theorists and practitioners. We will equate theoretical and practical knowledge. Schools must develop different people with different talents and interests, says Christensen.

The vocational education course should start first grade in elementary school, through practical subjects and approaches, the Committee believes.

– The does not mean an extra hour gutted. Now one thinks that it is the school’s knowledge. But if you choose vocational, can knowledge and learning lie elsewhere, says Christensen.

School and working

The Committee advocates closer cooperation between school and work, and believes the social partners must stronger with the design of subjects.

Other suggestions for school:
• All students under concern limit in basic skills in mathematics, reading and writing in Year 2 will be offered facilitated intensive training in smaller groups.
• There should be national norm for teacher density. By providing clear and present teachers will be able to prevent a negative learning environment, the Committee believes.
• Support is given to public sector jobs and companies hiring apprentices.
• Scholarship Schemes for skilled workers who will be vocational teachers. Basic education package for lørere on vocational lacking formal kvlifisering.
• dimensioning of the offer in the high school building to a greater extent on the needs for competence.

New industrial adventure

The committee also discusses how knowledge and innovation can contribute to restructuring, green shift and value creation. They believe offshore renewable energy can become a new industrial adventure for Norway and will make the forest industry to a national strategic priority.

But restructuring need active industrial policy and assistance from the state, emphasizes Christensen.

The government must go ahead

One of the proposals is to make the new government quarter to a so-called “energy-positive buildings.”

– Norway may become leader in renewable energy if we dare to bet, and user policies to create market. Here the public sector must go ahead and book climate-friendly solutions, says Christensen.


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