Sunday, January 18, 2015

Seriously injured after boat went on … – NRK

Seriously injured after boat went on … – NRK

– Two persons were in the boat, and both should be injured, said Espen Gulliksen by police operations center to

The time 0:50 police that it eine person is transported to Haukeland University Hospital in the air ambulance, whereas the other host hang care of by clinicians at Forde Central Hospital.

The boat en 15 meters up on Bjørnaskjæret next Weighed strait in Flora. Police fekk message that the boat had grunnstøytt at 22.49. The boat is of a Smuggler and around 24 feet.

That boat is so far up on land may indicate that it had great speed, win the police.

– The two people who were on board lasted transported ashore to healthcare, whereas police dam held on with securing the boat victory Gulliksen.

– The boat is so high on the country at not being done something more today. The fire department has secured it, so no tech police hand on harm page, victory Espen Rysjedal by Emergency.

Both the police, fire and ambulance lasted summon page. Also lifeboat was the forecast and on the road, but as long as it is dark it hosts not done something more.

– Ein know not whether there is a leak in the boat, so ein Lyt wait until it is bright before students know whether it is safe to move the boat at sea att, victory Rysjedal.

Police said that it stands att something assurance and investigations of the boat as host made on Sunday.

18.01.2015, at. 00.26

01.18.2015, at. 01.17


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