Friday, January 16, 2015

Charlie Hebdo published thousands of dollars on Finn – VG

Charlie Hebdo published thousands of dollars on Finn – VG

Just hours after 170 people secured latest edition of Charlie Hebdo, it has appeared several ads on

So far there are eleven eager salesmen who try to sell the first edition of Charlie Hebdo after editors were hit by terrorist last week. Some of the magazines originated from Paris, but there are also several magazines that come from the party of 170 copies which were put up for sale in Norway Friday afternoon.

Prices of magazine – which in Norway was sold to Narvesen at Hotel Continental in Oslo city center – was 42 million, but sales portal has sought magazine reached staggering sums.

While two merchants like 10,000 dollars for the magazine, there is a selling to the highest bidder over 8000 dollars. There are also several that are open for betting rounds. Of the eleven sellers are the only one who has stayed at the original retail price.

Had remove ad

A seller who wishes to remain anonymous tells VG that it first insert a bid of 350 million before it rose to over 10,000 dollars.

– Finally, there are so many who would join the bidding that I just had to delete the whole thing, so it shows a bit of people interest in this newspaper. Before announced discus was deleted, I got an offer for 12,300 dollars, says the seller, adding that it also ticked in threatening messages in connection with the bidding process.

The ad was deleted because of all the fuss, according to the seller.

ALSO READ: Was asked to not sell the magazine

 & lt; p & gt; & # xA0; QUICK SOLD OUT: The f & # XF8; lower number of satire magazine Charlie Hebdo was p & # xE5; Gare du Nord in Paris sold p & # xE5; five minutes. Photo: Helge Mikalsen & lt; / p & gt; & lt; p & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & lt; / p & gt;

QUICK SOLD OUT: The first number of satire magazine Charlie Hebdo was at Gare du Nord in Paris sold out in five minutes. Photo: Helge Mikalsen

Sold in 43 minutes

Even before the sale of the magazine started there were hundreds queuing outside outlet in Oslo. Customers estimated that there were over 500 people who stood in the queue, which for the occasion was guarded by extra security. The queue stretched past the kiosk and further down the street. 43 minutes after the magazine went on sale were sold out kiosk.

– We were awarded the 170 copies that arrived today. We have never experienced such a great demand for any single release, said Ida Håvik, communications manager of Reitan Convenience, VG after the sale.

She could not promise that the magazine would be available in multiple copies later .

A customer who had stood an hour in line outside Continental told VG he had been outside the kiosk several times today to check if the blade had come.

– I think it is important that it be sold here. Freedom of expression is strong here, and part of speech is the also that you can make fun of someone. Satire is an art, said customer VG.


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