Tuesday, August 11, 2015

- Tunnel host Stengd for at least six weeks – NRK

Gudvanga Tunnel becomes Stengd for at least six weeks.

Deputy NPRA, Svenn Egil Finden, says to NRK that they have not been investigated tunnel up properly.

– But I have self Vore inside the tunnel for a short time and see that there is major damage, he says.

– The tunnel became Stengd in six weeks by previous fire, and damage has about the same size for viewing com victory Finden cont.

He says that they should enter with geologist Wednesday and will then be able to say more about the extent of the damage.

In a few hours Tuesday increased traffic on Detour vegane between Aust and Western Norway considerably, and allow great pressure on ferries in the area.

– We Going to go in total night. We go each total time from Hella and each half hour from Vangsnes, victory skipper Lars Helge Isdahl.

Photo: Tone Merete Lillesvangstu / NRK

The car ferry Laerdal operates Hella Vangsnes in total night to take away the traffic after the fire in Gudvanga Tunnel.

– We Going to go in total night. We go each total time from Hella and each half hour from Vangsnes, victory skipper Lars Helge Isdahl.

The traffic has been extremely large in Balestrand- sector after Gudvanga Tunnel lasted Stengd after ein bus took guy in the afternoon.

– At its peak there were enough passengers who had to stand over both ei and two ferries, but we have køyrt as a selection, as well as ferry Sunnfjord has gone a little extra, victory Isdahl.

when traffic loosen from Gudvangen, there were huge amounts of bilar that would via ferry service.

– But now it has stabilized. Empirically know that there no core to slow, says the skipper, who has previous fire in Gudvanga Tunnel fresh in memory.

– It was chaotic even today, but handle, victory Isdahl.

Plans core ferries to go after normal route from at 5:30 tomorrow tidleg.

Department NPRA, Svenn Egil Finden victory tunnel were secured by debt ande rules.

Deputy NPRA, Svenn Egil Finden victory tunnel were secured by debt ande rules.


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