Friday, August 7, 2015

- This day also part of Utøya history – NRK

A gray morgenvær met campers when they rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and crawled out of the tents this morning. Central Board Member Ingrid Endrerud was one of those who stood for the wake-up, before he left for breakfast.

WAKE: – The camp opens about half an hour! You must be clear, shouts Ingrid Endrerud, central director of AUF, the dormant AUF-ers in tents.

Photo: Siv Sandvik / NRK

Thursday came up against a thousand campers to Utøya. Today represented Mani Hussainis speak the official opening of the summer camp.

He was greeted with rhythmic cries “Mani, Mani, Mani!” And clapping as he walked to the pulpit.

– I has pleased me long to say this: Welcome to Utøya. It’s good to be back, he said, and ran again applause.

Hussaini said that July 22 will forever be a part of the island’s history, but said that the current day will also be the :

– The day when AUF again gathered at Utøya, he said.

SPOKE: AUF leader Mani Hussaini opened summer camp on Utøya.

SPOKE: AUF leader Mani Hussaini opened summer camp on Utøya.

– No dessert generation

AUF leader denies that day young people do not have the same commitment and the same glow as previous generations.

SPOKE: Mani Hussaini smiled broadly as he welcomed the Utøya.

Photo: Siv Sandvik / NRK

– Some people use words like dessert generation about us, they should come here and see the proof of the opposite.

He rattled off tasks this generation faces, unemployment, racism and discrimination, climate crisis, women’s liberation and terror.

– We have no dessert generation. We are the generation with such great tasks that we barely have time to eat dinner, he said.

Brave youth

Hussaini pointed out that today’s youth are not only “future “as many like to say, he said it worldwide are young people who have the bravest voices.

LISTEN: Audiences on the grassy bank.

Photo: Siv Sandvik / NRK

He noted Malala who have stood up against the Taliban terror and said there were young girls and boys who started the Arab Spring with its demands for democracy.

– This camp will gaze is turned outwards. The theme of the camp is international solidarity, for solidarity knows no borders, said Hussaini.


At the end of the speech came what was perhaps the most touching for many. Then he thanked those who were leaders in the AUF on July 22 and that despite strong criticism has been working for the AUF were to return to Utøya.

GUEST: Four years ago opened Eskil Pedersen AUF-camp on Utøya. This year he is a guest.

Photo: Siv Sandvik / NRK

In ground set Eskil Pedersen tearfully, clearly moved by the Hussaini said.

– It is very strong to be here and the words … When AUF leader says what he does, then becomes I touched, he said to NRK after the speech.

He said there have been many tough in recent years.

– There have been moments where we have been uncertain whether we made it, now it’s amazing to be back, said Pedersen.

SAFETY: It is extra security at year’s camp. Armed police are located both on the island and here on the land side.

Photo: Siv Sandvik / NRK


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