Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Similar bomb object found by Oslo-shooting –

LATEST: – Bomb Group is still working to clarify what the suspicious object is, and we therefore maintain the enclosure of your range, according to the Oslo police on Twitter.

Dagbladet reporter on site stated that police have now opened Helga Eng, located right near the physics building, where the bomb similar object was found.

• Do you know anything about the case or are you on the spot? Submit pictures or tips to or SMS / MMS to 2400.

– Bomb The group is now in place, and examine the object with an X-ray robot. The situation will probably be mapped within half an hour or an hour, said operations manager Tor Jøkling at Oslo Police told Dagbladet.

Scales shot

Police found a bomb-like object on the campus at Blindern in Oslo. Earlier on Wednesday, a security guard shot and injured in the same area, and police are looking for two men.

– We want tips from the public about people or vehicles that are observed at Oslo on Wednesday, saying Jøkling.

– The area is cordoned off and bomb group is in place. Several buildings are also blocked, according to the Oslo police on Twitter.

The police call the object suspicious, and have cordoned off a large area between physics built and pharmacist built at Oslo University. The bomb-like object located near the physics building.

– Our people who found the object did a cursory examination We considered it as suspicious because of the appearance and the way the article was made, says Jøkling.

– Major forces

– There is still no further information, and referring to the police, said Communications Marianne Knarud at the University of Oslo Dagbladet.

Vidar Pedersen, operations manager of the Oslo police, said the following to Dagbladet about the shooting last night.

– It was the watchman even reporting to us at. 02.43. He said he had been shot at by two people in the area by Apalveien at Blindern. We come out with major forces, and searching for the perpetrators now.

watchman was treated on site by health professionals.

Spoke English

– He is not seriously injured. He’s been hit in the West, and possibly in the arm. It is probably shot with a small-caliber weapons, says operational manager.

He said the watchman described the man who shot follows:

– He should be about 175 cm tall, with red caps, black jacket and gray shoes. He is described as white in the skin, and spoke English. He did not leave a detailed description of the other man, says Pedersen.


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