Many of the 215,000 mobile phone users in Ventelo had this afternoon and tonight problems with mobile coverage.
breakthrough in cellular Ventelo hit Also many of the company’s 30,000 business customers.
– There are nationwide problems with cellular, tweeted Police in West Finnmark.
Nødnett worked however as normal and it was also possible to call emergency.
The error should be corrected tonight, according to the company Phonero. Ventelo and Phonero merged from January 1 this year.
Oslo police: Stricken violence alarms
The most serious impact of the mobile collapse in the afternoon and evening, was that many people with violence not alarm could summon help as long as their mobile network was down.
These people are vulnerable or threatened FOn help with the police.
– None of those who have Ventelo subscriptions have the opportunity to communicate on mobile phones, but there are others who have subscriptions from other operators and making internal changes. We have been told that mobile violence alarms may not work either, said operations manager Tor Grøttum in Oslo police.
defense even without mobile
Another major customer of Ventelo affected by mobile issues was defense.
A number of defense staff and officers were hours without mobile contact.
– Both police and defense personnel needed to Twitter and carrier pigeon today, tweeted a police investigator in Oslo.
– Or enroll dog. Must well soon out to light beacons, answered one officer.
Ventelo / Phonero: -Sorry strongly
According to product and marketing director Jardar Føreland Pedersen Phonero was operational situation “normalized” in 18 time duration.
“Phonero deeply regrets any inconvenience this may have caused,” writes Pedersen in an e-mail to Aftenposten kl. 20.13.
“The reason soon became identified as signaling problems in the core network. This gave a reduced capacity for travikkavvikling and problems connecting up that uses the mobile network.”
Unknown how many was hit
Ventelo / Phonero has no overview of how many of the 215,000 customers affected by mobile collapse.
Early in the afternoon the company said that “part of the activity has fallen out.”
“A large percentage of customers previously Ventelo were affected by the problems, but we have at this time is not a definitive list of how many people were affected,” writes Pedersen told Aftenposten.
“We’re working on with mapping through the weekend and will prepare measures to prevent a similar situation from happening again.”
Stricken police mobiles
Mobile collapse of Ventelo concerned police hard. Police is one of the largest corporate clients of the company.
Exactly how many police districts that were affected, is also unknown.
– This is not related to specific parts of the country. It can affect customers in different parts of the country. The error will cause customers experiencing difficulty getting called out, said Pedersen told Aftenposten before the error was corrected.
Ventelo secured the contract for telephone services to police 200 million in 2011 in fierce competition with several other suppliers .
– Our task is to obtain agreements that are cheapest and best for the police, said National Police Computing and Material Service when the agreement was signed.
Mobile Problems at least three hours
According to police in Oslo discovered problems in cellular Ventelo already 15 o’clock today.
Several police districts worked then arrange workarounds. In Oslo police took “some grip” for ensuring that they could get called in extra personnel.
At such breakdown is for example often possible to communicate over the network.
Oslo police and several other districts in eastern user has the new radio communications Nødnett, which can not be tapped.
Several major mobile breakdown
Ventelo is headquartered in Kristiansand and has in recent years become one of the toughest challengers to Telenor and Netcom.
The collapse of cellular Ventelo / Phonero is only a 10-15 major events in cellular past year.
30. October 2014 lost 3 million Telenor subscribers cellular 2.5 hours.
Aftenposten wrote earlier this week that error occurred when a customer should have a new SIM card. Because of a well-known well in the subscription base of Telenor had a technician go in and correct the error. Due to a human error broke database together, which made it impossible to call or send SMS.
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