Thursday, May 19, 2016

Nav Minister will guarantee young people help within eight weeks – VG

All under 30 years going Nav must get a deal until two months have passed, suggests arbeidsminister Anniken Hauglie (H) in the new Nav message.

Høyre-Statsraaden legger be a great thing announcement about the new Nav on Friday, as follows opp last year, this year’s report from ekspertutvalget, led av nåværende Nav Sjef Sigrun Vågeng. Ett av proposals is a self guarantee for all Nav regard users under 30 years.

– You must ha rett into streams get a concrete offer of school arbeidstrening, jobb or annen activity innen Åtte uker. The goal mitt is that no one under 30 should go unemployed for mer enn Åtte uker, says Anniken Hauglie to VG.

Les also: Nav sjefen was even arbeidsledig (VG +)

the wait may by 24 days

today finnes it is no deadline for all young people, nor noe requirements for a quote. Young aimed seg to Nav waiting in Snitt about 80 days before they get a såkalt activity level. Hauglie will thus down to 56 days. And she will have concrete offers with oppmøtested and date, not just a plan.

– Si you come in February and will have a plan for education for harvest. The hjelper not so veldig. Well you need to get rid å wait. You need to get a quote here and reach. It siste youth trenger is å go and wait for months, think Hauglie.

Get with deg : Nav-skjemaer get statlig Slakt

& lt; p & gt; WILL HA CHANGING: H & #  xF8; yre-State Council & # xE5; the legger  forward a new big thing announcement about Nav p  & # xE5; Friday. & lt; / p & gt;

WILL HA CHANGING: Høyre-Statsraaden legger forward a new big thing announcement on Nav on Friday.

Photo: NTB scanpix

a requirement that Nav meet the deadline

today it is around 25,000 young unemployed who drøyt 14,000 have gått available mer enn Åtte uker. Høyre-Statsraaden think it is realistic å deliver two-month warranty.

– What will happen if Nav meet the deadline?

– timely innfris. Nav must innfri. Youth is a prioritized group, we vet that the services anymore youth stands uten a kind of offer, the more difficult it å get them tilbake again corresponds Hauglie.

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young warranty innebærer to three existing guarantee schemes for young people who are uten jobb, education and training (one for those under 20 years, one for 20-24 years, and one for the operation between 20-29 years with physical arbeidsevne) merged into a single guarantee for all young people. This makes the administrative jobben simpler for Nav, according Statsraaden.

Les also: Sweets should Hauglie clear opp in Nav jungelen

VG have hosted in touch with presseavdelingen in Nav, which reports the organization to avventer å comment innholdet the great things the message before it is published Friday.

Advisories straff

on the question on Åtte uker is a pain point, corresponds Hauglie:

– We vet from sykmeldingsforskning that if you are sykmeldt in the back more than three months, the 50 prosent sjanse you do not come tilbake to the jobben at all tatt corresponds Hauglie, and shows making it blitt innført a period of Åtte uker for follow-up to the working life.

– for each uke as yesterday, sinking to services anymore and scrolled down in the chair, and dørstokkmilen gets increased more rapidly and services anymore. We have to get young people opp morning, ut and inn in activity.

– What do you expect av those under 30 who receive this guarantee?

– the fact that the meetings are held opp. When they get an offer they must take Imot it corresponds Statsraaden.

Hauglie heralds the department will gjennomgå sanksjonene as finnes today, that is the penalty for not å deliver as a client in Nav system.

they are not meetings are held opp to the offers they have received a grant gjennom Nav, can trekk in stønaden, says Hauglie.

Les also: Sweets should Nav fraudsters tas


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