(Dagbladet): During today’s question time in Parliament did not Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre many seconds to keep Finance Minister Siv Jensen responsible for the closure of Rygge Airport.
– Yesterday decided Rygge’s control to close down the airport. Labor is to use avgiftsssytemet to reduce discharges, but the tax climate is as questionable as bakhistorien to this charge. The fee is meaningless in a situation of high unemployment. It’s not too late to turn back, if the FRP is not too proud. Will Progress Party leader and finance minister listen to your employees and save jobs? asked Minister.
Siv Jensen responded by criticizing Labor for changing attitudes towards Ryanair.
– I have great understanding that employees feel uncertain. The government received the news late yesterday, and we must now obtain an overview of the situation and talk to the staff. There is no Norwegian jobs being done because of such a tax. They say it is because of the tax, but they fly from other airports in Norway. I also remind that Ryanair was a company Ap boycotted under the previous government, said Jensen.
Rygge laid down
In a press release from the board of Rygge airport AS yesterday evening yesterday it emerged that the civilian traffic from Rygge Airport Moss wound from 1 November 2016.
“the Board sees no grounds for civil traffic by 1 / 11-2016, and it is decided that the traffic will be run after this if expected future volume of Ryanair confirmed. Ryanair’s traffic program believed announced within the next week, “said the press release signed Chairman Pål F. Tandberg.
– Two-thirds of our volume goes away, a million travelers. Our result after losing 1 million travelers will be a minus of 120 million. And after 2015, which was our best year with 22 million in profits, said Tandberg Dagbladet last night.
– Opposite of accountability
Also SP leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum came with fierce criticism of the government:
– Now there will be thousands of new of unemployment in Østfold. It is thanks to the Progress Party tax policy. It is you who provide an aircraft seat fee that was not investigated at all. The total opposite of accountability. SUPPORT Why is the Progress Party’s leader so important to trump through a fee that costs thousands of your workplace? asked Vedum.
Jensen answered quickly.
– We agree that the most important thing is jobs. Therefore, we have lowered the level of taxes and avfiter 18 billion.
When Trine Skei Grande took the floor during today’s Question Time, she corrected artillery back against Labor.
– in the previous government went Jens in front to boycott Ryanair, as did many unions. The only
Questions the environmental
The leader in commercial Committee, Geir Pollestad (Sp), criticized the aircraft seat fee is “sold out” as an environmental tax.
– My question to the Minister is: is the aircraft seat fee of over 1 billion an environmental tax, and how much emissions will collectively lose Europe as a result of this fee ?
– aircraft seat fee is a fiscal charge having an effect on the environment by itself, said Jensen.
Also MDGs Rasmus Hansson is critical of Støre’s position in this matter.
– It is sad that Minister goes to its knees by the airline industry choleric reaction to a small environmental fee. Minister should rather strengthen its efforts to acquire others and sustainable jobs to the industries that matter must go through a tough climate change, such as aerospace and oil, he says to Dagbladet, adding:
– If you are worried on tax climate or that it will affect rural areas, so the Greens a proposed solution to the finance minister Jensen: entraining a higher flight taxes, but with low or no fees in rural Norway, where good options missing.
– not Liberal primary suggestions
Siv Jensen has previously said Dagbladet that FRP has “accepted” the fee as part of the budget compromise, and that it was not part of the government budget.
But Left has again pointed out that it is wrong that the tax was put in place in 12 hours under budget negotiations, and refutes that it was the Liberals’ primary suggestions.
– The truth is that model came from the government because FRP did not want higher taxes on fossil fuels. Then we must also expect that the model of government is thoughtful and quality assured. We even an environmental tax on flights in our alternative federal budget, but the government presented another option. Our model would neither have been potentially distortive or EEA unconstitutional and it would undoubtedly have been an environmental tax, said Liberal Terje Breivik Dagbladet earlier this year.
The matter is updated.

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