Is an unemployed in Oslo east worth less than one in Stavanger, asked finance commissioner in Oslo, Robert Steen (Ap), in an article in Dagsavisen Monday, where he points out that districts Søndre Nordstrand, Alna and Old Oslo in Oslo as high unemployment Stavanger.
Finance Commissioner was still not heard of budget comrades who have agreed to allocate a further one billion, a total of five billion, to a package of measures against unemployment in the southwestern part of Norway.
– Oslo get
Chairman of the Finance Committee, Hans Olav Syversen (Chr), will defend the priority to the fullest.
– The unemployment applies equally to everyone, but I think it is a bit wrong to begin dividing up the city or municipality. Then one may almost take it down to street level. We have to see a device as a whole, and luckily Oslo a flexible labor market.
He also shows that Oslo comes out well in the new revenue system for municipalities, and has benefited from long range efforts in the Groruddalen and Oslo south.
– I think you underestimate the situation in Southern and Western Norway if you now think the important thing is to say that now we did not get what we should have, says Syversen.
– Sad
Finance Commissioner in Oslo, Robert Steen (Ap), is nevertheless disappointed that Oslo does not get any extra revised.
– It’s sad, and perhaps a little surprising, that especially Left and the Christian Democrats have not thought of the weak groups in Oslo when they have negotiated. In Oslo eighth of the population, yet we are now starting to see a pattern where Oslo used as balancing item of between parties. A few days ago signed the coalition parties and the Liberals agreed on a new revenue system, where they agreed on a profile against the Left got through that government jobs should be moved out of Oslo, says Steen.
He argues that politicians move your gaze to the geographic areas where the media puts the spotlight.
– It looks like the areas monitored by the media and is the most popular day are those who promoted, he said.
Not Rygge- measures
It was
There is still no targeted unemployment measures to this region of revised.
– There are no direct measures Rygge here. So clearly, a closure of Rygge mean much, but also Østfold is an area where there is fairly good job opportunities in the vicinity, compared to some of the areas in the Southwest region, which perhaps is a unilateral coastal communities with a thousand men in a yard where there not a stålbit says fiscal spokesperson fro Right Svein Flåtten.
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– Greater bias
Tick party colleague and mayor of Moss, Tage Pettersen, is unhappy with priority.
– I headed over that we see a further bias in favor of the Southern and Western Norway, Pettersen says.
He stressed that the challenge of those who become unemployed in Østfold is that many of them are unskilled.
– I see signs that Moss will have a stronger focus in the state budget. But the likelihood that Rygge laid down are great, so they were able to be a little ahead of its time, says Pettersen.
Content in Stavanger
In Stavanger however, there is reason for rejoicing.
– We are very satisfied with the 150 million we get as well. I am especially pleased that the Liberals and Christian Democrats have got through this with 400 admissions, says Stavanger mayor Christine Sagen Helgø, adding:
– I have full respect for that there are unemployed in other parts of the country, but this is also about preventing people going long-term unemployed. Here I think the government collaborative parties doing an important job.

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