Thursday, May 19, 2016

No injuries in dramatic tunnel fire in Eidfjord – Bergens Tidende

It looked dramatic, but late Thursday everything suggests that no one was injured in the fire in Måbødaltunnelen. Highway 7 can be closed long after the fire.

Highway 7 and Måbøtunnelen is closed after a fire broke out in a truck in the tunnel at 19.30- time Thursday. It was a while unclear whether there were other cars and people in the smoky tunnel, but in 20.30 o’clock police officials that it is not suggesting this.

– The fire department has been through the tunnel. There are no other cars, and so far not suggesting that there are people in the tunnel, writes hordaland police said in a statement.

The clock 21.15 enlightens 110 exchange that the fire department has crawled the entire tunnel without finding people, and that one has control of the situation.

Just before the clock 22 reports 110 exchange the fire is out. Meanwhile, police said that it is verified that there are injured or killed in the tunnel.

23 o’clock was the fire department finished after quenching. Police and Mesta is still in place.

– Will shut for a while

Morten Hansen at Road Traffic Management Centre informs that tunnel fails to open Thursday. Probably it will be closed for days, if not more, but it is currently difficult to estimate.

– The tunnel will be closed for a period. There is damage to the tunnel that enables this will take time. We know more tomorrow, when professionals have been set on the amount of damage, says Hansen.

110 exchange reports including the power cables in the tunnel that has fallen down. Hans Olav Lægreid, running snowplough in the area, says that there is major damage in the tunnel roof after the fire. If the tunnel to be closed long, there is a possible bypass that is not allowed to drive now.

– The old road is driveable by tunnel, and I saw ambulances used it. But it has been closed a few years because of landslides, he said.

As of now there is no local detour in Måbødalen. The road is open until tunnel, but people who are going east-west must return to Geilo and choose other paths. Road Traffic Management Centre recommends that use of E16 over Filefjell, E134 over Haukelifjell or Highway 52 over Hemsedalfjell.

Smoke in the whole tunnel

According to the 110 exchange occurred fire in a truck that had a excavator behind the trailer. The driver explained to the police that the fire occurred ca. 200 meters inside the tunnel from the west side.

BT picture is taken at the tunnel entrance on the east side, meaning that the entire 1893 meters long tunnel then was full of smoke.

– That’s right . We have people from Geilo on the upside of the tunnel, and they also said it is a lot of smoke out there, said Helle at 110 exchange slightly after the clock 20.

Smoke divers were then on the way into the tunnel from Eidfjord page to see how far they could get with conventional equipment. The fire department also sent special equipment by helicopter from Bergen.

– We are trying to enter from the lower side, but the tunnel is long, and they only have common equipment, said Helle.

Tracing car was rescue

Måbøtunnelen is a 1893 meter long tunnel in Eidfjord in Hordaland. Hans Olav Lægreid, running snowplough in the area, says that there are no exits in the tunnel beyond the two orifices. There is a steep rise in the tunnel, making sure it works almost like a chimney.

110 exchange informs that wagon train brought a support vehicle – probably because of the wide load – and that just follow the car came to the rescue when the fire occurred.

– the driver jumped as above according to the car and they drove further up the tunnel and stopped all traffic. So they probably have prevented all the running from the upside, says Helle.

Police said they have been in contact with the road train driver and he is unharmed.

– Do smoke smell good

Lægreid was Thursday night at the lower estuary.

– It is relatively quiet here now. I know the smoke smell good, and watching the smoke further up the valley. There are three vehicles from the fire department here, including a tanker truck, a couple of police cars and one ambulance, telling Lægreid.

In addition, several cars and a car from Mesta parked on the lower side of the tunnel. Also, a helicopter landed in the valley.

On Thursday evening illuminated 110 exchange that firefighters from Voss and Geilo, and smoke divers who arrived by helicopter from Bergen, is dismissed.

– Crews from Eidfjord Granvin and Ulvik is still on site, says Jakob Hartvigsen at 110 exchange in 22 times.

Dramatic messages

when the 110 exchange got the first message about the fire, they knew not if there were more cars or people in the tunnel. Substantial resources were put in motion, and crews from Eidfjord, Voss, Granvin, Odda, Ulvik and Geilo come out. The first firefighters arrived west side of the tunnel around the clock 20.

– There is tremendous smoke. We know nothing about the condition inside the tunnel, and do not know if there are other cars there, said guard commander Helle then.

Petter Lahlum was one of the first on the scene. He was driving from Hardangervidda when he had to stop by Major Applicable tunnel, just before Måbøtunnelen.

– I do not see so much here, just that there are lots of smoke, he told BT bit before the clock 20.

Lahlum told then that he and other motorists who came from Hardangervidda side were already on their way to turning to run westward via one of the other mountain passes, though he would via Aurland.


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