– Oslo and Bærum is in many ways a contiguous urban area. It’s not like the settlement stops before the border and start again on the other side. It is closely related.
In VG today proposes Astrup municipalities join forces, he also allows you initially can cooperate more closely on certain tasks.
He thinks both citizens and businesses can benefit from it.
– Fornebu Line is a very good example. We think we had made considerable progress in the project if we had been one municipality.
Recently, it became known that the path is delayed several years.
Can be left alone
at the same time Astrup that Bærum can be standing alone between two big municipalities if Asker joins forces westwards. Asker jobs namely for a merger with smoke and Hurum. Hurum had recently a referendum in which the majority said yes to such a merger. And Astrup believes that it is a natural merging.
– Asker is in many ways a district municipality, while Bærum closely connected with Oslo.
he also believes it is more natural for Bærum cooperate regionally with City than with any large region of Hallingdal to Halden.
– Oslo is not interested in participating in this new large region. It would be unnatural for Oslo to relinquish duties. Today we have control over the high schools for example. There is no reason why we should give us it.
He thinks a county cooperation including schools and transport can be one step on the way towards merging, if Bærum not ready for merging of local authorities now.
Johansen is negative to merge
LUKEWARM Chief Commissioner Raymond Johansen does not like the idea of turning Oslo together with Bærum.
Photo: Roald, Berit / NTB scanpix
City council leader in Oslo, Raymond Johansen (Ap), is relatively lukewarm to the idea.
– I coming from the other side of Oslo must also relate to municipalities Lørenskog, Skedsmo and Nittedal. What I at least can agree with Astrup, is that we must find better ways to collaborate in the Oslo region, he
However, Astrup is open to invite more municipalities into Oslo heat, and specifically mentions Oppgården, located east of Oslo.
– I’m open to talking with all municipalities around Oslo it is natural to talk to.
Do not be a district in Oslo
THANK PENT nO: Mayor Lisbeth Hammer Krog in Baerum thank nicely no to the proposal municipality merging of party colleague in Oslo.
Photo: Dang Trinh / NRK
But in Bærum are not the proposal received with open arms.
– Oslo region challenges solved in any way by Bærum is a district in Oslo. There it is also no way for ear populations or council chambers.
Krog believes that Oslo and surrounding communities must cooperate better on issues such as transport.
Oslo Right will merge Oslo and Bærum

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