Thursday, May 26, 2016

No strike in the state – NRK

The state and YS State have agreed on a distribution of pay increases which 50 percent is provided centrally and 50 percent to be distributed locally through negotiations in departments and agencies, writes YS in a statement.

There is a general wage increase 1.15 percent for all, with the remainder to be distributed locally. In total there is a wage increase of 2.4 percent.

– We are satisfied with the result. Altogether mediation given us a better result in the allocation of finances and bargaining provisions than we could have achieved if we had accepted the government’s offer in the ordinary proceedings. We’ve simply got a better collective agreement, says Paul N. Arnesen, President of YS State.

LO Stat and Unio has also reached agreement with the state.

– We have retained our bargaining on board and put in place a better salary profile for our member groups, says chief negotiator Uniontown State, Petter Aaslestad.

Tone Rønoldtangen in LO State is satisfied with the agreement.

Photo: Su Thet Mon / NRK

There will be no changes to pension conditions.

– I am very pleased that we have managed to resolve this without conflict, and that we have agreed on a common agreement. So I’m not quite so pleased that we have managed to achieve something on board. We apologize, says Tone Rønoldtangen in LO State NRK.

This year’s settlement was regarded as demanding since negotiations acted on principles, and not money.

The state demanded a complete revision of the wage settlement , which LO Stat, Unio and YS refused to agree to.

the parties have however agreed to cooperate on developing a proposal for a new wage and bargaining system in the state.

It was pre warned that 5560 employees could go on strike Thursday morning if the negotiations did not lead. It would among other things have struck police, Nav and students.

Local Government and Modernisation Minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) says he is satisfied with the settlement.

– This has been very demanding negotiations and everyone had to contribute. I salute to the national mediator and the parties for good and constructive tone throughout the mediation process. I am particularly pleased that we have agreed that there is need for a modernized and simplified pay and bargaining system in the state, the parties will jointly work for this, says Sanner in a statement.


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