Saturday, February 13, 2016

VG-disclosure about Treholt bluff: – There are so completely bare basics –

(Dagbladet): Today brings VG more sensational audio clips that seem to prove that the private investigator and ex-newspaperman Geir Selvik Malthe-Sørenssen have ripped spy sentenced Arne Treholt and his lawyer Harald Stabell .

In VG’s article states that Malthe-Sørenssen, who has previously accused the police of cheating with evidence in Treholt case, even now revealed in cheating.

Malthe-Sørenssen lawyer Jonny Sveen mean sound clips VG have accessed is an attempt to undermine the credibility of his client.

screened for corruption

Malthe-Sørenssen was namely arrested and charged corruption last year, and in about a week he sat in custody. During this stay he will have given information to the police about criminals he knows – including one person Malthe-Sørenssen believes has given VG cliffs, according to his lawyer.

– In connection with this arrest and investigation choose Malthe-Sørenssen to explain several matters to the police relating to very serious criminal cases and very serious offenses. The explanations are very unpleasant for other people, and it makes Malthe-Sørenssen eventually perceive that there is a significant security threat to him, the lawyer said.

– Attempts to weaken the credibility

According Sveen has Malthe-Sørenssen resigned from the public and almost gone underground after he gave information to the police.

– He fears the consequences it may have for him. Now he hopes såklart police have completed the ongoing investigations, says Sveen.

– You think this is a result of a smear campaign?

– There is an attempt to undermine his credibility as a witness, says Sveen.

Have known the footage in a half

The cliffs are according Sveen a result of the police call “communication control”, ie wiretapping, done by the police in Asker and Bærum. Sveen has been aware that rocks exist in over half a year.

– Did you know that Malthe-Sørenssen was bugged?

– Malthe-Sørenssen knew he was touched by the police communication control as early as last fall, but you must ask the police who control targeted, says the defender.

Do not running

The lawyer think it is serious that the sound recordings published by the Times.

– We dislike this strongly, for a communication control is the most revealing that exist after funding, and when we then find that those who have been entrusted with this clip, have not dealt with it the way it should, it’s something that needs verify a. I know that the police are already underway, says Sveen.

– How do Malthe-Sørenssen this?

– He thinks it is absolutely terrible that communication control has come out. It is so completely bare basics, and you can just imagine what it feels like if your own private conversations suddenly announced.

Claims clip is manipulated

– For VG today tell you that the clip is manipulated, are you for it?

– The piece that stands in VG today shows a very short communication period, and it means that you are missing the backdrop for so much of what one hears. It also makes things appear in a completely different way than what the reality was. There are also some communication he says he did not recognize, and it makes him say that this is manipulated, says Sveen.

– No views

When asked what he thinks about lawyer Sveen’s characterization of the sound clips as part of a smear campaign against Malthe-Sørenssen, writes VG responsible editor Torry Pedersen in an SMS to Dagbladet:

– VG has been keen to reveal that a fictitious anonymous source has been staged by the author of the book “counterfeit” to provide information to Arne Treholt and ans lawyer Harald Stabell. A book that received considerable attention and led to a thorough review of Treholt case of Criminal Cases Review Commission. I have no views on lawyer Sveen’s description of that fact.

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