Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The aftermath of Treholt case has taken a new turn. – Siste.no

The aftermath of Treholt case has taken a new turn.

COMMENT Private investigator who in 2010 claimed that the police cheated by the so-called monetary evidence, although taken in serious cheating.

This weekend could namely VG reveal that Geir Selvik Malthe-Sørensen got a used car salesman to play false agent to give spy sentenced Arne Treholt a good card on hand so that Criminal Cases Review Commission to look at the issue again in 2010. Luckily said Commission no new trial of the criminal case, and after VG disclosure can we say fortunately emphatically. It belongs to the story that the Commission received massive criticism for rejecting the reopening of the case.

In 1985, Arne Treholt sentenced to 20 years in prison for espionage for the Soviet Union and Iraq. Four times has Treholt tried to get the case tried her again, but each time he has been given the thumbs down. It is understandable that Treholt trying to clear his legacy, but we must not lose sight of what the matter really comes. He is convicted of having had secret meetings with high-ranking KGB officers and for having handed over secret classified documents to the foremost enemy during the Cold War.

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Then came Malthe-Sørensen and his companion with seemingly new evidence in the book “counterfeit”. On this basis, it was quite natural that Gjenopptatelseskommisjonen went into the matter. It was partly carried out 31 interviews that not altered the basis of the original judgment. The conclusion was therefore that Treholt did not matter resumed.

However, the Commission is unable to clear all doubts of the road. There has been a heavy burden to carry for several former employees in what was the Police Monitoring Service. Also family and survivors of these naturally has suffered over the uncertainty that was created.

Treholt defender Harald Stabell has now got himself a lesson. He regrets enough bitterly to have lent money to Malthe-Sørensen. It was both unwise and unprofessional to create such a financial bond to a partial outsider actor.

There are circumstances in Treholt case which rightly has earned a critical eye. This applies to parts of the investigation and the prosecution’s work. But this does not change the main issue, and it has to be decisive. Therefore, it is hoped that we can finally draw the line over Treholt case. All parties should put it behind them.

What can we learn from cheated now revealed? Firstly, we all always have a critical look at government and judiciary. But the press must also go in themselves. Many journalists and editors have uncritically allowed himself to be induced to take the revelations in the book “counterfeit” good fish. There should be a paradox. Cheats should have been disclosed earlier.


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