Monday, February 15, 2016

No to wind power development in Sira reason – NRK

– The benefits of a potential wind power development on Sira reason not outweigh the considerable disadvantages for biodiversity and for the fishing industry in the area.

Oil and Energy Tord Lien says no to grant a license to plans development of wind Sira reason.

Photo: Braastad, Audun / NTB scanpix

the printer petroleum and Energy Tord Lien said in a statement.

Read also Afraid to miss over a thousand jobs

Read also No to many windmills

Thus, it is clear that there will be no development of wind power in the sea outside the county boundary between Rogaland and Vest-Agder.

1000 jobs

Fædrelandsvennen wrote Sunday that the project would result in investments of 4.5 billion NOK. In addition it was claimed that the development could provide around 1,000 jobs in the area.

MPE writes that it is taken into consideration that this measure could contribute to jobs and activity in the region, and that the project has the endorsement of the affected municipalities.

Read also Vindmøllepark outside Sogndalstrand encounter resistance

See also: Wind power in Parliament

– Any local industrial development in the wake of the wind power project located outside it to be included in a licensing process under the energy Act, type MPE press release.

According to the Earth Norway forced the birds to fly through a narrow corridor right through the area where the wind farm would be located.

Photo: Sira reason AS

the Ministry believes and that the planned wind farm would be too expensive.

– the cost of construction of the wind farm would be large, and far higher than for onshore wind.

Environmentalists cheer

– Sira reason is one of the most important areas for migratory birds who come to Norway every year. A wind farm here could have major negative consequences. Therefore, today we are very pleased that Petroleum and Energy Tord Lien has said no to development.

It says Lars Haltbrekken, head of Friends of the Earth.

Lars Haltbrekken, head of Friends of the Earth, is delighted that oil – and Energy Tord Lien has said no to development at Sira reason.

Photo: NRK

According to the Earth’s Sira reason “migratory birds highway,” their supremely important corridor. Here you will meet migratory routes to the sea birds, land birds and wetland birds.

– We want a commitment to offshore wind, but Sira reason would have been the most conflict-ridden place to put such a facility says Nina Jensen, General Secretary World Wildlifte Fund (WWF).


– This is a historic day for Norwegian fishermen’s Association and Norwegian fishermen.

It says Kjell Ingebrigtsen Norway Fishermen.

Kjell Ingebrigtsen, director of the Norwegian Fishermen’s Association, said wind power plants on Sira reason would destroyed the only coastal fishing bank in southern Norway.

Photo: Torbjørn Krane / NRK

He notes that Sira reason is a very important spawning and fishing area.

-It shallow waters is the only coastal fishing bank in southern Norway. We have argued that any wind farms will destroy these values, says Kjell Ingebrigtsen.

– A little disappointed

– We’re actually a little disappointed that the government did not take this opportunity to do a little grip that works. The whole region is the strongly marked by the decline in the oil sector. It’s a bit surprising that the government does not facilitate more renewable activity.

Trond Arne Pedersen, mayor of Sokndal (Christian Democrats), is disappointed that the government did not facilitate more renewable activity.

Photo: Ole Andreas Bo / NRK

It says Sokndal mayor Trond Arne Pedersen (KrF).

Sokndal municipality has earlier agreed to license for the wind farm with a two-thirds majority. Then cover the possibilities of establishing jobs both during construction and operation of the wind farm.

– Some in Sokndal is “fight happy” and some are disappointed. They’re right there, so it is only, says the mayor.


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