Sunday, February 14, 2016

Married couples in their 80s rescued by neighbors when the house was on fire – NRK

At 2:30 am on Sunday, it was reported on fire in a detached house in Old Bordal road in Voss. All emergency services pulled out.

– patrol that arrived at the scene ten minutes after the message reporting the drunk guy on the second floor. It stood about five meters high flames up from the house, telling police operations manager Arve Samsonsen.

recluse was characterized as flashover and extinguishing work continued for several hours. House main floor is completely destroyed inside.

– There is major damage, said guard commander at the 110 exchange, Torkjell Helle.

– It seems like there has been a dramatic fire, says Samsonsen.

FIRE: the neighbor should have put the ladder up to the balcony to the right of the image.

photo: Arne Hofseth

Started in the bedroom

It’s the drama unfolded, however, just before the emergency services arrived at the scene.

the two occupants of the house, a couple in their 80s years, probably got vital help of a neighbor who quickly came to the site after the fire broke out.

the fire started in the bedroom, where the two were sleeping. When they tried to take out of the house, the man fell and injured himself.

– He must have suffered some damage in a fall when he attempted to take out of the house, says Samsonsen.

– Bob has done a great job

A neighbor came and helped them.

– They got help from a neighbor with ladder, who rescued them, says guard commander Torkjell Helle.

– the neighbor has done a great job, says Samsonsen.

the couple was taken to Voss hospital. The woman is bruised. The man, who fell when he tried to get out, be characterized as severely damaged by Helse Bergen.

Neighbor roses emergency

NRK spoke with the neighbor who came to da the fire broke out. He wants to downplay his own role and would rather praise the emergency services.

– Our house is close to the neighboring house that burned, and we were worried that it was going to take the guy with us also. But the fire brigade was quickly in place and began extinguishing work, says the neighbor.

He says he brought his fire escape her over to the house next door. After the couple had arrived in safety, used the fire department ladder to extinguishing work.

– fire brigade and police were very good, says the neighbor.

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FIRE: the fire in the single-family house in Old Bordal road was reported at 2:33. The time 5:12 was extinguishing work over.


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